Class 5 English Chapter 5 Rip Van Winkle Word Meaning in Hindi – Marigold NCERT Solution

Class 5 English NCERT Solution for chapter 5 Rip Van Winkle Word Meaning in hindi with word meaning in hindi for Haryana board. CCL Chapter Provide Class 1th to 12th all Subjects Solution With Notes, Question Answer, Summary and Important Questions. Class 5 English mcq, summary, Important Question Answer, Textual Question Answer in hindi are available of  Marigold Book for NCERT.

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NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 5 Rip Van Winkle Word meaning in Hindi from marigold book Solution.

Rip Van Winkle Class 5 English Chapter 5 Word Meaning in Hindi

  • Rip – फाड़ना
  • Van – वैन
  • Winkle – झपकना
  • good-natured – अच्छे स्वभाव वाले
  • lazy – आलसी
  • fall – गिरना
  • asleep – सो गया
  • awakens – जागता है
  • quite – शांत
  • ago – पहले
  • foothills – तलहटी
  • fellow – साथी
  • kind – दयालु
  • shouted – चिल्लाया
  • joy – आनंद
  • whenever – जब कभी भी
  • taught – पढ़ाया
  • shoot – गोली मार
  • idled – निष्क्रिय
  • fences – बाड़ / to surround land
  • astray – भटका हुआ
  • weeds – खरपतवार
  • farm – खेत
  • companion – साथी
  • wolf – भेड़िया
  • constant – स्थिर
  • avoid – टालना
  • lay down – नीचे रख दे
  • climb – चढ़ना
  • daydreaming – दिवास्वप्न देखना
  • thick – मोटा
  • grizzled – घिसा-पिटा
  • beard – दाढ़ी
  • barrel – बैरल / a large, round, wooden, plastic or metal container for liquids
  • stranger – अजनबी
  • serious – गंभीर
  • silence – मौन
  • echoed – प्रतिध्वनि
  • thunder – गड़गड़ाहट
  • gaze – टकटकी / to look steadily for a long time
  • frightened – डरा हुआ
  • emptied – खाली
  • contents – सामग्री
  • obeyed – आज्ञा का पालन किया
  • trembling – हिलता हुआ
  • fear – डर
  • thirsty – प्यासा
  • fell – गिरा
  • deep – गहरा
  • bright – चमकदार
  • sunny – धूप वाला
  • whistled – सीटी बजाई
  • muttered – धीरे से कहना
  • descend – उतरना
  • met – मिले
  • surprised – हैरान
  • wrinkled – झुर्रीदार
  • astonishment – आश्चर्य
  • exclaimed – चिल्लाया
  • realise – समझना
  • stroke – आघात


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