Colonialism and Imperialism Class 10 History Chapter 7 Important Question Answer – Bharat and the World HBSE Solution

Class 10 History BSEH Solution for Chapter 7 Colonialism and Imperialism Important Question Answer for Haryana board. CCL Chapter Provide Class 1th to 12th all Subjects Solution With Notes, Question Answer, Summary and Important Questions. Class 10 History mcq, summary, Important Question Answer, Textual Question Answer are available of Bharat and the World Book for HBSE.

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HBSE Class 10 History Chapter 7 Colonialism and Imperialism Important Question Answer for Haryana Board of Bharat and the World Book Solution.

Colonialism and Imperialism Class 10 History Chapter 7 Important Question Answer

Question 1. Mention the positive and destructive effects of imperialism on the countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. (HBSE 2022)

Answer – In imperialism, positive and destructive effects were seen on the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, which are described as follows:-

Positive impact –

  • With the advent of the Industrial Revolution in Europe, manufactured goods began to be available in all countries at affordable prices.
  • Western education was introduced in the imperialist countries, due to which there was an opportunity to study new political systems.
  • The capitalists of the imperialist countries set up new industries in the colonies to earn more profit, which gave new opportunities to these people to get employment.
  • Imperialist countries built more and more roads and laid railway tracks to increase trade in their colonies, which led to a lot of development of the means of transport in these colonies.
  • After making more colonies in Asia and Africa, European countries become much wealthy.

Destructive effect –

  • Many restrictions were imposed on the sale of goods made in their own industries of the subjugated countries, which destroyed their industries.
  • The imperialist countries exploited the farmers of their colonies more and more, due to which the farmers of the colonies also became poor.
  • The people of the imperialist countries considered themselves civilized, and the people of the colonies were considered inferior.
  • The people of the colonies were not even offered high positions.
  • Christian preachers in imperialist countries began to convert the people of the colonies to Christianity.

Question 2. Explain the difference between imperialism and colonialism. (HBSE 2023)


Colonialism Imperialism
Colonialism is the tendency of a powerful country to take economic advantage of other weaker and poorer countries by taking them under control. Its main foundation was commercialism. When a powerful and advanced country establishes its authority by force over a weak and backward country and exploits it politically, economically and culturally, then this desire and tendency of that powerful country is called imperialism.


Question 3. What methods of exploitation did the imperialist nations adopt? (HBSE 2023)

Answer – The imperialist nations adopted the following methods of exploitation:-

  • The imperialist nations obtained raw materials from their colonies at very cheap prices.
  • The imperialist nations sent money from their colonies to their country, which made that colony poor.
  • The imperialist nations closed the small scale industries of the colonies by selling their country’s manufactured goods at cheap prices in their colonies.
  • The imperialist nations promoted Christianity a lot in their colonies, which ruined the culture of the colonies.
  • The imperialist nations was farming crops according to their wish in their colonies with forcing the farmers.

Question 4. Describe the Industrial Revolution.

Answer – In the second half of the eighteenth century, there were many revolutionary changes in the technology of production, as a result of which large factories were built in place of domestic industries, and as a result of which production started more with machines than by hand and in factories rather than at home. These changes are called industrial revolution.


Question 5. What were the reasons for the decline of Indian handicraft industries? Describe.

Answer – Following were the reasons for the decline of handicraft industries –

  • Due to the Industrial Revolution, large factories were established in England. They began to manufacture goods in large quantities, and these goods were beautiful and cheap. Therefore, Indian goods, which were manufactured by small-scale industries, could not compete with them and Indians were forced to sell their goods at low prices. As a result, the small-scale industries in India started shutting down.
  • When the goods manufactured by Indian small scale industries reached the markets of England and Europe, many restrictions were imposed on them so that the people there could not buy them. That is why severe damage was done to the Indian small-scale industries, which ruined the Indian artisans and craftsmen.
  • The Indian rulers and their courts were major buyers of goods manufactured by Indian artisans and craftsmen, but by the middle of the nineteenth century, the British ended all the native states, eliminating their main customers.

Question 6. What is Imperialism? What circumstances were favourable for the spread of Imperialism? (HBSE 2023)

Answer – When a powerful and advanced country establishes its authority by force over a weak and backward country and exploits it politically, economically and culturally, then this desire and tendency of that powerful country is called imperialism. The favourable conditions in the spread of imperialism are as follows :

  • Desire to make a huge profit.
  • Increasing the power of the mother country.
  • Escaping punishment in the motherland.
  • Converting the local people to the colonial religion by converting them.

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