Flying Together Class 5 English Chapter 3 Question Answer – Haryana Board Solution

NCERT Class 5th english chapter 3 question answer Solution For School Students of Class 5th. We also Provides Notes and Important Questions for Class 5 of HSBE.

Also Read:- Class 5 English All Chapters Solution

NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 3 Flying Together Question Answer for HBSE ( Haryana Board) Students.

Flying Together Class 5 Chapter 3 Question Answer


I. State whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false  statement in the box.

1. There was no wise bird in the forest.
Ans. F

2. A flock of parrots lived in the tree.
Ans. F

3. The hunter climbed up the tree with the help of a ladder.
Ans. F

4. When caught in the net, the foolish birds began to say “Help! Help!.”
Ans. T

5. The hunter did not throw the geese one by one on ground.
Ans. F

6. The wise old bird helped the foolish birds to escape.
Ans. T

II. Answer the following questions.

Q1. Where did the geese live?

Ans. Geese live on a flock tree in deep forest.

Q2. What advice did the old bird give to the other birds?

Ans. The old bird gave advice to the other bird that they should cut the creeper unless when it grew up and the hunter will came with the help of it.

Q3. Why did the old bird advise the other birds to destroy the creeper?

Ans. The old bird advice the other birds to destroy creeper because when it grew up, the hunter will came with the help of it.

Q4. What did the hunter do to trap the geese?

Ans. The hunter spread his net to trap the geese.

Q5. Why did the geese cry, “Help! Help!”?

Ans. As the geese stuck in the net of hunter so they called for help for come out from it.

Q6. Why did the geese pretend to be dead?

Ans. The geese pretend to be dead because while doing this the hunter would thought these are dead and throw them out and they will be free.


I. Read the following.

This tree was the home of a flock of wild geese.

In this sentence a ‘flock’ of wild geese is a collective noun.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate collective nouns from the box.

team                  colony                  bunch                   pack                  crowd

swarm               army                     bundle                 herd                   group

1. The __________ of players is trying hard to win the game.
Ans. team

2. A __________ of children went for a picnic last Sunday.
Ans. colony

3. A __________ of flowers looks very beautiful.
Ans. bunch

4. A __________ of people followed the hero.
Ans. crowd

5. An ________ of soldiers marched on the Rajpath on the Republic Day.
Ans. army

6. A __________ of buffaloes was seen in the pond.
Ans. group

7. A __________ of bees has made a hive in the tree.
Ans. swarm

8. A __________ of books is lying on the table.
Ans. pack

9. The wood cutter asked his sons to bring a __________ of sticks.
Ans. bundle

10. A __________ of ants is the place where ants live.
Ans. herd

II. Write new words from the following words by removing the first letter in each case. One has been done for you.

small mall all


small mall all
price rice ice
stable table able
stone tone one
blink link ink
chair hair air
strain train rain
cheat heat eat

III. Pick out words from the lesson which are opposite in meaning to the following words  and write them in the space provided.

domestic bottom
alive earlier
strong front
remember thick
save slowly


Domestic Outsider
alive dead
strong weak
Remember forget
save Remove
Bottom Above
Earlier Latter
Front Back
Thick fat
Slowly Hurry


Read the following.

In the evening, the geese returned home. They did not notice the net. As they flew into the tree they were trapped

In these sentences the words in bold are prepositions. Here, ‘in’ is the preposition of time and ‘into’ the prepoosition of place.

Some of the prepositions of time and place are used as shown below:

Prepositions of
Time Place
at 5 o’clock, at noon, in July, in the

morning, on Sunday, on Diwali

at the corner, at bus stand, in Karnal, in

the garden, on the wall, on a page

I. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions of time and place.

  1. My birthday falls __________ June 10.
    Ans. on

  2. Christmas always comes __________ December.
    Ans. in

  3. Look __________ the picture __________ page 2.
    Ans. at, in

  4. We don’t go to school __________ Sunday.
    Ans. on

  5. My uncle lives __________ Delhi.
    Ans. in

  6. Our school starts _________ 8.30 a.m. and closes _________ 2.30 p.m.
    Ans. in, at

  7. We play carrom __________ the evening.
    Ans. in

  8. There was a big crowd _________ the platform _________ the railway station.
    Ans. in, at

  9. I took off my clothes and jumped __________ the pond.
    Ans. in

  10. Hang this picture __________ the front wall.
    Ans. on

II. Look at the following sentences. The statements given in inverted commas are the words  spoken by someone.

  1. “Do you see that creeper?’’ he said to them.

  2. “Why must we destroy it?” asked the geese in surprise.

  3. “Don’t make a fuss now,” said the wise old bird.

Put inverted commas (“……….”) and comma ( , ) in the sentences given below and rewrite the sentences in your notebook.

1. The teacher said open your book.

2. The doctor said to me take a glass of milk daily.

3. Let us make salad said Dinesh to his friend.

4. My father said you must think before you speak.

5. Don’t play in the sun said my mother.

6. My friend said to me let’s go for a walk.

7. Please give me a glass of water said my brother.

8. Do you like to play hockey? asked the teacher.


  1. The teacher said, “open your book.”

  2. The doctor said to me, “take a glass of milk daily.”

  3. “Let us make salad”, said Dinesh to his friend.

  4. My father said, “you must think before you speak.”

  5. “Don’t play in the sun”, said my mother.

  6. My friend said to me, “let’s go for a walk.”

  7. “Please give me a glass of water”, said my brother.

  8. “Do you like to play hockey?”, asked the teacher.

III. Rearrange the words to form meaningful sentences. One has been done for you. 

Remember that a sentence always begins with a capital letter.

for/wait/me.                               ________________________________

  1. are/playing/they/football?     ________________________________

  2. sun/the/brightly/shining/is.    ________________________________

  3. tree/was/there/big/a?            ________________________________

  4. is/very/it/small.                      ________________________________

  5. i/catch/shall/the ball?            ________________________________


1 Are they playing football.

  1. The sun is shining brightly.

  2. Was there a big tree?

  3. It is very small.

  4. Shall I catch the ball ?

Listening and Speaking

I. Work in pairs.

Ask your friend the following questions:

• When do you get up?

• Which T.V. programme do you like the most?

• When do you play?

• How many members are there in your family?

• When do you go for shopping?

• What is your hobby?

• What kind of food do you like and why?

• When do you sleep?

Ans. Do it yourself.

II. Listen to the story carefully and answer the following questions.

  1. Where did the princess live?

  2. What are three things that she had in the palace?

  3. Where did she go one day?

  4. What did she see in the forest?

  5. What did she do on seeing the beauty of the nature?

Ans. Do it yourself


I. Look at the pictures and develop a story by using the words given in the box. Give a  suitable title to the story. The beginning and the end of the story have been given.

an old man                                         four sons                                 quarrelled

fell ill                                                  sticks                                        broke

bundle of sticks                                 unable to break                        decided not to quarrel

Once there was an old man. ______________________________________________________________

They decided not to quarrel.______________________________________________________________

Ans. Once there was an old man. He has four sons. They always quarrelled with each other. One day, he fell ill. He called all his four sons and said to them,” There are four wooden sticks, each of you take one and break.” His 4 sons broke the stick then he gave him a pile of wood and asked them to break it. Each one took one pile and tried to break it but couldn’t be succeed. Then the old man teach them the strength of unity. They decided not to quarrel. They started live together happily.

II. Write 3-4 Dos and Don’ts to make your grandparents feel happy.

Dos Don’ts


Dos Don’ts
Do Study don’t sleep late at night
Eat food at time don’t ignore them
obey the parents don’t pass time useless
live peacefully with everyone don’t quarrel with everyone

Follow Up

Discuss in groups the value of team work.

Ans. Discuss it yourself.


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