Foreign Invasions on India Class 10 History Chapter 6 Important Question Answer – Bharat and the World HBSE Solution

Class 10 History BSEH Solution for Chapter 6 Foreign Invasions on India Important Question Answer for Haryana board. CCL Chapter Provide Class 1th to 12th all Subjects Solution With Notes, Question Answer, Summary and Important Questions. Class 10 History mcq, summary, Important Question Answer, Textual Question Answer are available of  Bharat and the World Book for HBSE.

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HBSE Class 10 History Chapter 6 Foreign Invasions on India Important Question Answer for Haryana Board of Bharat and the World Book Solution.

Foreign Invasions on India Class 10 History Chapter 6 Important Question Answer

Question 1. When did the Arabs first invade India?

Answer – 636 AD.

Question 2. What was the name of the Hindu king of Sindh region of undivided India in 712 AD?

Answer – King Dahir.

Question 3. How many years did it take the Arabs to conquer Sindh?

Answer – 75 years.

Question 4. How many times India was attacked by Mahmud Ghaznavi? (HBSE 2023)

Answer – 17 times.

Question 5. In which state is the world famous Somnath temple located?

Answer – Gujarat.

Question 6. In 1191 AD, there was a war between whom in the field of Tarain?

Answer – Between Mahmud Ghori and Prithviraj Chauhan III.

Question 7. Who led the most powerful Mongols?

Answer – Genghis Khan

Question 8. When did the first battle of Panipat take place? (HBSE 2023)

Answer –1526 AD.

Question 9. What was the name of the invader who plundered the Kohinoor diamond from India?

Answer – Nadirshah

Question 10. When did the third battle of Panipat take place?

Answer – January 14, 1761

Question 11. What do you understand by a passes? (HBSE 2023)

AnswerThe natural routes for movement in mountainous areas are called passes. Some popular passes were Khyber, Gomal and Bolan during invasion.

Question 12. What were the motives behind Mahmud Ghaznavi’s attacks on India?

Answer – There were three main objectives behind Mahmud Ghaznavi’s invasion of India –

  1. spread Islam
  2. plunder India’s wealth
  3. He wanted to become famous in the Muslim world by spreading Islam in India.

Question 13. When and between whom did the battles of Tarain take place?

Answer – Two battles of Tarain were fought, which are as follows-

  1. First Battle of Tarain (1191 AD) – In 1191 AD, Prithviraj Chauhan, showing bravery, defeated Muhammad Ghori badly in the field of Tarain. He managed to escape with great difficulty, saving his life. 
  2. Second Battle of Tarain (1192 AD) – The second battle of Tarain was fought between Mohammad Ghori and Prithviraj Chauhan, in this war, Prithviraj Chauhan showed bravery, but he was defeated. Delhi came into the possession of Muhammad Ghori.

Question 14. Write a short description of the first battle of Panipat.

Answer – The first battle of Panipat was fought on 21 April 1526 AD between Babur and Ibrahim Lodi. Ibrahim Lodi was the ruler of Delhi Sultanate while Babur was the ruler of Fargana located in Asia. Babur won in this war and he defeated and killed Ibrahim Lodi and ended the Delhi Sultanate. Babur established the Mughal Empire in India.

Question 15. Describe the resistance to the attacks made by Mahmud Ghaznavi.

Answer – The Hindu Shahi rulers opposed the invasions made by Mahmud Ghaznavi. In 1001 AD, he attacked the Hindu Shahi ruler Jaipal. In the battle near Peshawar, Jaipal fought valiantly but was defeated. When he was returning to Ghazni, the Jats of Sindh blocked his way. But he somehow managed to take away the wealth from India to Ghazni. Mahmud Ghaznavi destroyed many temples of Hindu religion and took away valuable things from them.

Question 16. Write an article on the demolition of Somnath temple.

Answer – Mahmud Ghaznavi decided to attack the temple of Somnath in Gujarat. The huge temple here was world famous. Hindus had deep faith in this temple. Mahmud Ghaznavi attacked the temple of Somnath to disturb the sanctity of the temple and plunder its wealth. It took him three days to capture the temple of Somnath due to heavy resistance from the Hindus. Many Hindus who were protesting were killed by Mahmud Ghaznavi. Thereafter, Mahmud ransacked the temple and broke the idol of Lord Somnath with a mace. The money plundered from here was taken by Mahmud to Ghazni, loaded on camels.

Question 17. What were the motives behind Mehmud Ghaznavi’s attack on India? (HBSE 2023)

Answer – Mahmud was a staunch Muslim ruler. He made 17 attacks on India to spread Islam and plunder India’s wealth.

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