HBSE Class 10 History Important Question Answer 2025 PDF

Class 10 History BSEH Solution for Important Question Answer for Haryana board. CCL Chapter Provide Class 1th to 12th all Subjects Solution With Notes, Question Answer, Summary and Important Questions. Class 10 History mcq, summary, Important Question Answer, Textual Question Answer are available of Bharat and the world Book for HBSE.

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HBSE Class 10 History Important Question Answer chapter wise for Haryana Board from Bharat and the World book Solution.

HBSE Class 10 History Important Questions 2025

Sarasvati-Sindhu Civilization Class 10 History Chapter 1 Important Question Answer 2025

Q1. What were the main features of the town planning of the Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization? Most Important
Write any two features of town planning of sarasvati-sindhu Civilization. Most Important
Write notes on different types of buildings of sarasvati-sindhu civilization. Most Important
What are the main features of Urban Planning of Saraswati Sindhu civilization?

Q2 – List the trading centers of Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization.
Write the names of two major cities of sarasvati-sindhu civilization. Most Important

Q3 – Describe the social and religious life of the people of the Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization? Most Important

Q4. What is the contribution of Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization to the world? Most Important

Q5 – Name one port of sarasvati-sindhu civilization. Most Important

Q6 – In which state is Lothal? Most Important

Q7- Kalibanga is in which state? Most Important

Q8 – When did the sarasvati-sindhu civilization decline? Most Important

Q9 – How wide was the main road and streets of sarasvati-sindhu civilization? Most Important

Major Civilization’s of the Ancient World Class 10 History Chapter 2 Important Question Answer 2025

Q1. Why is Rome called the “City of Seven Hills”? Most Important

Q2. Why is Egypt called the gift of the Nile River? Most Important
Why is Egypt called the ‘Blessing of the Nile’ ? Most Important

Q3. The main occupation of the Egyptians was ………. Most Important

Q4. The modern name of Mesopotamia is……… Most Important

Major Philosophies of the World Class 10 History Chapter 3 Important Question Answer 2025

Q1. Write the names of five Mahavratas of Jain philosophy. Most Important

Q2. How was Jainism originated? What are the similarities between Jainism and Buddhism. Most Important

Q3. Briefly explain the Vedic literature.
What is Veda? How many types are these? Describe in detail.

Q4. Briefly write the important teachings of Jainism. Most Important

Q5. What were the reasons for the rise of Buddhism? Throw light on the main teachings of this religion. Most Important

Q6. Explain the difference between Jainism and Buddhism. Most Important

Q7.  What was the name of the book of Taoism of China? Most Important

Q8. What is meant by the word ‘jin’? Most Important

Q9. How many characteristics of religion are explained in Scriptures? Most Important

Q10. At what age did Confucius get a government job? Most Important

Q11. The Childhood name of Mahatama Buddha was……….. Most Important

Q12. The ultimate goal of all philosophies is to make human life ……….. Most Important

Q13. Write a short note about Mahatma Buddha.

Medieval Society : Europe and India Class 10 History Chapter 4 Important Question Answer 2025

Q1. What was the difference between the condition of farmers in India and Europe during the medieval period?

Q2. What is meant by Mavasat?

Q3. Medieval European Society was divided into how many classes ? Most Important
What were the three main classes in the Society of Medieval Europe? Most Important

Christianity and Islam – Rise and Conflict Class 10 History Chapter 5 Important Question Answer 2025

Q1. Who were the Caliphs? What was their job ? Most Important

Q2. Why did Christians do Crusades ? Most Important

Q3. Describe the effects of Christians struggle with Islam.
Describe the impact of conflict between Christian and Islam.

Q4. In which book are the teachings of Jesus Christ stored ? Most Important

Foreign Invasions on India Class 10 History Chapter 6 Important Question Answer 2025

Q1. How many times India was attacked by Mahmud Ghaznavi? Most Important

Q2. When did the first battle of Panipat take place? Most Important

Q3. What do you understand by a passes? Most Important

Q4. When and between whom did the battles of Tarain take place? Most Important

Q5. What were the motives behind Mehmud Ghaznavi’s attack on India? Most Important

Q6. What were the effects of foreign invasions on India during the medieval period?  Most Important

Colonialism and Imperialism Class 10 History Chapter 7 Important Question Answer 2025

Q1. Mention the positive and destructive effects of imperialism on the countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Most Important

Q2. Explain the difference between imperialism and colonialism. Most Important

Q3. What methods of exploitation did the imperialist nations adopt? Most Important

Q4. What is Imperialism? What circumstances were favourable for the spread of Imperialism? Most Important

Q5. What do you understand by drain of Indian wealth?

Movement Against British Colonialism in India Class 10 History Chapter 8 Important Question Answer 2025

Q1. What were the reasons for the revolution of 1857 AD?
What were the reasons of the Revolt of 1857 ?  Most Important

Q2. What were the main centers of activity of the revolutionaries?

Q3. Why is the Revolt of 1857 called the great struggle for Independence? Most Important

Q4. Write a short note on Simon Commission’s boycott. Most Important

Q5. Why were Swadeshi and Boycott important in the freedom movement? Most Important

50 Years of Independent India Class 10 History Chapter 9 Important Question Answer 2025

Q1. How were the states reorganised in India?

Q2. Why did Indira Gandhi impose emergency in 1975 AD?

Q3. How was the constitution made and how long did it take to make?

Q4. What was the Non-Aligned Movement? Most Important

Q5. Which problems were there before the country after Independence ? Most Important

Q6.  Who, when and why was the ‘Planning Commission’ established ? Most Important


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