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HBSE ( Haryana Board ) Solution of Class 10th Patient Care Assistant all chapters important Question And Answer Solution.
HBSE Class 10 Patient Care Assistant Important Question Answer 2024
HBSE Class 10 Patient Care Assistant 5 Marks Questions 2024
Q1. Describe various types of hospitals.
Q2. What is the role of Food Service Deptt. in a hospital?
Q3. Describe various types of wastes generated in a hospital.
Q4. Write about clear fluid diet served in a hospital.
Q5. Describe the role and functions of a receptionist in a hospital.
Q6. Describe various qualities of a receptionist.
Q7. Write about physical set up of reception counter.
Q8. Describe main functions of GDA.
Q9. Describe various methods for Anger Management.
Q10. Describe the causes and consequences of anger.
Q11. What are the important points to be kept in mind by GDA while responding to patients?
Q12. Describe the principles involved in bed making for a Patient.
HBSE Class 10 Patient Care Assistant 3 Marks Questions 2024
Q1. Describe the characteristics of a care plan.
Q2. What are the objectives of Care Plan?
Q3. Discuss the three vertices of the epidemiological triangle.
Q4. What is a cut ? Discuss its various types along with their first aid.
Q5. Why bite of non-immunized dog is dangerous? What are the symptoms of the disease caused by dog bite & which injection are required to be given for this at the hospital ?
Q6. Describe the functions of urinary system.
Q7. Write about various Supporting Staff available in hospital.
Q8. Write down the role of microbiologist for the prevention and control of HAI (Hospital Acquired Infections).
Q9. Describe the uses of Computer in a hospital.
Q10. What is the role of Sodium in our body? What are the results of its excess and deficiency?
Q11. What is the role of copper in body? What are the results of excess and deficiency of it?
Q12. Write down the functions of urinary system.
Q13. What are the responsibilities of finance and accounts department ?
Q14. Write about prone position along with its uses.
Q15. What are the symptoms of Dog bite? Write about its First aid.
HBSE Class 10 Patient Care Assistant 2 Marks Questions 2024
Q1. What do you mean by stress and anxiety?
Q2. What are the functions of epithelial tissue?
Q3. What is the scope of OPD ?
Q4. Write promotive functions of GDA.
Q5. What are the signs of poor nutrition?
Q6. What steps are to be followed while taking pulse?
Q7. What are the slings and splints ?
Q8. Write about Ergonomic hazards at workplace.
Q9. What are the symptoms and mode of transmission of smallpox ?
Q10. Classify various physical agents which are used in sterilization.
Q11. What are the functions of Nervous System ?
Q12. What are the symptoms and causes of Asthma ?
Q13. What are the symptoms of second degree burn?
Q14. What are the important rules of First Aid ?
Q15. Write about multiple Sclerosis disease.
Q16. What are the immediate consequences of Anger?
Q17. Write down various types of Synovial Joints with example.
Q18. Write caregiver and Communicator functions of GDA.
Q19. What are the functions of Pharmacy and Physiotherapy department in a hospital?
Q20. What are the uses of Horizontal Recumbent Position?
Q21. Name any four medical departments of a hospital.
Q22. Write about the services provided by Out Patient Department (OPD).
Q23. What precautions should be taken during Fowler’s position of patient ?
Q24. What do you mean by full diet served in a hospital ?
Q25. What is vital sign of life? Write various types of vital signs.
Q26. Write about multiple sclerosis disease.
Q27. What are the purpose of first aid ?
Q28. What is the chemical name of vitamin B3. Write down its daily requirement.
Q29. What are the results of deficiency and excess of calcium in our body?
Q30. What are the clinical applications of computer in patient care?
HBSE Class 10 Patient Care Assistant 1 Marks Questions 2024
Q1. What is Sippy’s diet?
Q2. Where is the Diaphragm located in the body?
Q3. Define casuality.
Q4. How many bones are in new born baby?
Q5. How many types of stretchers should be in Ambulance ?
Q6. Name the hospital which deals with the eye related problems.
Q7. The department related to skin diseases is known as
Q8. Write full form of ERS.
Q9. Where is Diaphragm present in human body?
Q10. Define Disinfection.
Q11. What are the objectives of general hospital ?
Q12. What is the role of Parasitology Lab. in a hospital?
Q13. Write full form of I.C.U.
Q14. What are the functions of a Hospital ?
Q15. What are pathogen?
Q16. What is Arthrology ?
Q17. What are exocrine glands ? Give example.
Q18. ___________ is the most common cause of hospital acquired infection.
Q19. Bed capacity of a large hospital is ___________ to ___________ beds.
Q20. Bronchodilators are used in case of __________ attack.
Q21. ___________ is used on skin & mucous membrane to kill microorganisms.
Q22. Bed strength of a district hospital is _________.
Q23. Bed strength of Community Health Centre is ___________
Q24. _________ percent peroxyacetic acid is used for disinfecting plastic and glass ware.
Q25. The telephone number for Police is _______
Q26. The Pulmonary Cycle of blood circulation is controlled by __________ side of heart.
Q27. Normal pulse for healthy adult is ______ beats per minute.