HBSE Class 11 History Important Question Answer 2025 PDF

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HBSE Class 11 History Important Question Answer 2025

Class 11 History Section 1 – Early Societies Important Questions 2025

Q1. Briefly describe about the temples of Southern Mesopotamia.  Most Important

Q2. Describe salient features of City Mesopotamia.

Q3. Describe the salient features of city ‘UR’ situated in Mesopotamia.

Q4. Describe ‘Mari City’ of Mesopotamian Civilization. Most Important

Q5. What are the relative advantages of Canal and Railway Transportation?

Q6. Explain the various stages of development of the system of signs. Most Important

Q7. Write the main opinion on the development of language.

Q8. For what Mari City was famous?

Q9. What is written in ‘Old Testament’ about Mesopotamia ?

Q10. What was the difference between ‘Australopithecus’ and ‘Homo Sapiens’?

Q11. What was ‘gilgamesh’ in Mesopotamia culture? Most Important

Q12. What was ‘utnapishtim’?

Ans –  According to the Bible, the Flood was meant to destroy all life on earth. However, God chose a man, Noah, to ensure that life could continue after the Flood. Noah built a huge boat, an ark. He took a pair each of all known species of animals and birds on board the ark, which survived the Flood. There was a strikingly similar story in the Mesopotamian tradition, where the principal character was called Ziusudra or Utnapishtim.

Q13. When Alexander conquered Babylone ?

Ans – 331 BCE

Q14. To which community, the king of Mari belonged ?

Q15. What are ‘Stele’ ?

Ans –  Steles are stone slabs with inscriptions or carvings.

Q16. Mesopotamia is situated between _________  and _________ river.

Q17. How did the art of writing develop in the Mesopotamia?

Q18. Why do we say that it was the natural fertility and high level of food production that were the causes of early urbanisation? Most Important

Q19. How did the invention of Wheel change the life of early man?

Q20. Why would the early temple have been much like a house?

Q21. Where did urban life start?

Q22. Why were mobile animal herders not necessarily a threat to town life?

Q23. Describe the various stages in the development of Writting method. Most Important

Q24. How the movement of goods into Cities of Mesopotamia was completed ?

Q25. What do ancient stories tell us about the Civilization of Mesopotamia?

Q26. Today in which country Mohanjodaro and Harappa located?

Q27. What was the script of Sumerian Language ?

Class 11 History Section 2 – Empires Important Questions 2024

Q1. What was Equestrians or Knights in Romani Empire ?

Q2. What do you know about Saint Augustine in Roman Empire. Most Important

Q3. What was third century crisis in Roman empire ? Most Important

Q4. Throw light on the importance of Abbasid revolution.

Q5. Who were Mongols?

Q6. What was ‘Yasa’ in Mongolean Empire ?

Q7. Who was Octavian?

Q8. What was ‘Amphora’ in Roman Empire?

Q9. Which king of Rome was called as ‘Principate’ ?

Q10. What was Equites (Knight)?

Q11. When St. Benedict monastery was founded? Most Important

Ans – St. Benedict monastery was founded in 526 in Italy.

Q12. Approximately how many grams consist of one Denarius ?

Ans – 4½ gm of pure silver

Q13. What was ‘Dressel-20’ ?

Ans – The Spanish olive oil of was mainly carried in a container called ‘Dressel 20’

Q14. What were the conditions of slaves in Roman Empire?

Q15. Why was the trade so significant to the Mongols?

Q16. Which sea was known as Heart of Roman Empire and from where to where it spread ?

Ans – The continents of Europe and Africa are separated by a sea that stretches all the way from Spain in the west to Syria in the east. This sea is called the Mediterranean, and it was the heart of Rome’s empire

Q17. Which historian said that Emperor Trajan was dreaming of conquering India.

Q18. When did Temujin adopt the name Genghis Khan?

Ans – 1206

Q19. _________ was the silver coin of Rome.

Ans – Denarius

Q20. When was Rome city was established?

Q21. Who was the first emperor of Rome ?

Q22. What is meant by the term ‘Nomadic’?

Q23. What is meant by ‘Near East’?

Q24. Who was the most famous Mongol after Genghis Khan ?

Q25. Describe any three features of Mongolian military administration.

Class 11 History Section 3 – Changing Traditions Important Questions 2025

Q1. Economic growth of Europe becomes slow in the beginning of 14th century. why?

Q2. Explain the main causes for the Decline of Feudalism.

Q3. Throw light on the importance of ‘Knights’ in Feudalism.

Q4. Describe the status and importance of Nobility in Feudalistic System.

Q5. Write the fundamental changes in Agricultural Technology in Medieval Europe. Most Important

Q6. What are the contributions made by the Arabs in the field of Science and Philosophy? Most Important

Q7. Describe the salient features of Renaissance. Most Important

Q8. What was ‘Vassalage’ in France?

Q9. What was ‘Copernicus Revolution’ ?

Q10. Describe Feudalism in economic context.

Q11. Give a brief account of Tenochtitlan as a capital of Aztec. 

Q12. Name the king of England who had ruled eleven years without inviting Parliament. Most Important

Ans – King Charles I

Q13. To which country mark bloch belonged?

Q14. Charlemagne what’s the ruler of which country?

Ans – French

Q15. What was ‘fief’ in Feudalism?

Ans – The lord gave the knight a piece of land (called ‘fief’) and promised to protect it. The fief could be inherited. the land of the fief was cultivated by peasants.

Q16. What was ‘Manor’ in feudalism system?

Q17. What was ‘Tithe’ ?

Ans – The Church was entitled to a tenth share of whatever the peasants produced from their land over the course of the year, called a ‘tithe’.

Q18. ‘Humanities’ word is made from Latin word __________.

Ans –  humanitas

Q19. ‘Florence’ was known as one of the most live intellectual city of __________.

Q20. ___________ is the famous work of Leonardo da Vinci.

Ans – Mona Lisa

Q21. Johannes Gutenberg belonged to _________. Most Important

Ans – German

Q22. Ignatius Loyola founded __________ in 1540.

Ans – Society of Jesus

Q23. Taille was a direct _________.

Ans – Tax

Q24. Famous Essayist Cicero was contemporary of ________.

Ans – Julius Caesar

Q25. Thomas More was belonged to _________.

Ans – England

Q26. In London Royal Society was organised in _________ AD.

Ans – 1662

Q27. Cosmographical Mystery was written by _________.

Ans – Johannes Kepler

Q28. In Paris ‘Academy of Sciences’ was founded in _________ AD.

Ans – 1673

Q29. In 1516 AD Thomas More published ________.

Ans – Utopia

Q30. Compare the conditions of the life of a French ‘Serf’ a Roman ‘Slave’.

Q31. Discuss living conditions of third order (common man) in the medieval European society.

Q32. Why did Knight become a distinct group and when did they decline?

Q33. Why were Italian towns the first to experience of ideas of humanism?

Q34. _________ Was given the title of ‘Poet-Laureate’ in Rome.

Ans – Petrarch

Q35. Give the meaning of Feudalism? Most Important

Q36. What is the meaning of Renaissance and explain its causes.

Class 11 History Section 4 Towards Modernisation Important Questions 2025

Q1. Describe the labour movement in Britain during industrial revolution. Most Important

Q2. Describe the impact of Industrial Revolution. Most Important

Q3. What was ‘Gold Rush ?

Q4. What do you know about ‘Terra Nullius’. Most Important

Q5.  Describe the eviction of Cherokees Community. Most Important

Q6. Who was Miyake Setsurei? Most Important

Q7. For which word ‘Settler’ is used ?

Ans – The word ‘settler’ is used for the Dutch in South Africa, the British in Ireland, New Zealand and Australia, and the Europeans in America.

Q8. Who was Fukuzawa Yukichi ? Most Important

Ans – Fukuzawa Yukichi (1835-1901) Born in an impoverished samurai family, he studied in Nagasaki and Osaka learning Dutch and Western sciences and, later, English. In 1860, he went as a translator for the first Japanese embassy to the USA. He established a school that is today the Keio University. He was one of the core members of the Meirokusha, a society to promote Western learning.

Q9. What was the aim of Third International?

Q10. What do you understand by ‘Nuclear Family’?

Ans – In Mesopotamian society the nuclear family* was the norm, although a married son and his family often resided with his parents. The father was the head of the family.

Q11. Industrialization first came in __________. 

Ans – Britain

Q12. What were the major developments before the Meiji Restoration that made it possible for Japan to modernize rapidly.

Q13. Illustrate the causes of Chinese revolution of 1911.

Q14. Describe the events of Chines Revolution, 1911.

Q15. Define the Long March in Chines History. Most Important

Q16. What did the ‘Frontier’ mean to the Americans?

Q17. Why was the history of the Australian people left out of history books?

Q18. What were Sun Yat-Sen’s three principles ?

Q19. What were the two objectives of Reformation?

Q20. What is meant by the word ‘Native’ ? Most Important

Ans – ‘Native’ means a person born in the place he/she lives in. Till the early twentieth century, the term was used by Europeans to describe the inhabitants of countries they had colonised.

Q21. When was the Russo-Japanese War started and who won it ?

Q22. Discuss how daily life was transformed as Japan Development.

Q23. Describe the Economic and Industrial development of Japan. Most Important

Q24. Describe the Religious Reform Movement.

Q25. Describe the main events of Chinese Revolution, 1911.

Q26. Over a quarter died along the _________ journey.

Q27. In 1867 Canada was organized as _________.

Q28. The Government had always termed the land of Australia _________. Ans – terra nullius

Q29. In 1867-68, the rule of _________ was ended under the leadership of Meiji dynasty.

Q30. _________ is the main Crop of Japan.


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