HBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question Answer 2023-24

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HBSE ( Haryana Board ) Solution of Class 12 Computer Science important Question And Answer solution for 2023-24 exams.

HBSE Class 12 Computer Science Important Question Answer 2024

Class 12 Computer science 1 marks Question Answer 2023-24

Q1. Explain SUM SQL functions.

Q2. Define 1NF.

Q3. What is testing stage of SDLC?

Q4. What are two types of lists in HTML?

Q5. What is HTML?

Q6. What is title tag in HTML?

Q7. What are tags?

Q8. What is <P> tag?

Q9. What is <OL> tag ?

Q10. Write the use of <B> tag.

Q11. Write the use of <TITLE> tag.

Q12. Write the use of <HR> tag.

Q13. Write the use of <U> tag.

Q14. How link is created in a HTML page?

Q15. How comments are added in HTML?

Q16. Define Constructor.

Q17. List any two types of Constructors.

Q18. What is database?

Q19. Define primary key.

Q20. What is the use of scope resolution operator?

Q21. What is a Marquee ?

Q22. Define Intranet.

Q23. Define Internet.

Q24. What is the use of scope resolution operator?

Q25. What is the need of networking ?

Q26. What is inheritance?

Q27. Define class. Most Important

Q28. What is the use of E-mail ?

Q29. Define friend function in C++. Most Important

Q30. Define Structure in C++. Most Important

Q31. What is Multi Level Inheritance?

Q32. What are member functions?

Q33. Define Stack.

Q34. List any two types inheritance.

Q35. Define Queue.

Q36. Define Sorting.

Q37. Define Stack Data Structure.

Class 12 Computer science 1 marks Fill in the Blanks Question Answer 2023-24

Q1. _________ SQL command is used to delete a particular column in a relation.

Q2. Keyword to create a table in SQL is ________.

Q3. Full form of SQL is _______.

Q4. Syntax to delete a table is __________ which is a DDL Command.

Q5. A relation is in 2nd normal form if it is in 1N form and every _______ attribute is fully dependent on the primary key.

Q6. In 3NF, every non-key attribute is _______ dependent on primary key.

Q7. A relation is in 2NF if every non-key attribute is _______ dependent on primary key.

Q8. ____________ attribute of image tag is used to display an image.

Q9. A relation is in INF, if all underlying domains of relation contain ________ values.

Q10. __________ tag makes the text bold.

Q11. ________ tag is used to insert line break.

Q12. The _______ tag is used to make the text appear Italic.

Q13. _______  tag underlines the text.

Q14. The _______ tag represents a paragraph.

Q15. <UL> tag is used to create ____________ in HTML.

Q16. There are _________ number of headings in HTML.

Q17. Full form of UDP is _________

Q18. Queue works on ____________ technique.

Q19. The detailed study of existing system is referred as ____________.

Q20. Full form of LAN is __________. Most Important

Q21. Full form of WAN is ________.

Q22. Full form of WWW is ________ Most Important

Q23. Row in a relation is also called __________.

Q24. Queue is based on ________.

Q25. Full form of HTTP is ________. Most Important

Q26. Full form of FTP is _______.

Q27. Protected members of a class are _______ but private members are not.

Q28. In a queue, insertion takes place at _______ end.

Q29. Insertion Operation in a stack is called _______.

Q30. Full form of DDL is _________. Most Important

Q31. A constructor has same name as that of its _________.

Q32. A record is also known as ________.

Q33. Full form of TCP is _________.

Q34. Full form of URL is _______. Most Important

Q35. A _______ means the rules applicable to a network.

Q36. Full form of DML is ________.

Q37. The number of tuples in a database is called _______.

Q38. _________ is an example of Web Browser.

Q39. ________ is a DML command.

Q40. ______ Operator in C++ requires three operands.

Q41. ________  are row facts in DBMS.

Q42. Full form of DBMS is _______.

Q43. HTML tags are case sensitive. (True/False)

Q44. “header” keyword is used to declare the header file in C++. (True / False)

Q45. HTML files are saved by default with “.html” extension. True / False

Q46. Friend functions can access only protected members not the private members. (True / False)

Class 12 Computer science 2 marks Question Answer 2023-24

Q1. Explain AVG() function, its syntax in SQL with example.

Q2. Explain any four data types in SQL.

Q3. Explain the implementation stage of SDLC. Most Important

Q4. What is the need of feasibility study in SDLC?

Q5. Explain the design stage of SDLC. Most Important

Q6. Explain the requirement analysis stage of SDLC.

Q7. What is the need of survey in SDLC?

Q8. Explain the testing stage of SDLC. Most Important

Q9. What is investigation stage of SDLC?

Q10. What is HTML? What is its use?

Q11. Give structure of HTML page.

Q12. 8. How to add hyperlink in a web page using HTML?

Q13. Explain various types of lists in HTML.

Q14. What are attributes of image tag? Explain any two.

Q15. What is anchor tag ? What are its attributes ?

Q16. Define following tag: <Body>, <ul>

Q17. Give algorithm for PUSH operation in stack.

Q18. Give algorithm of PUSH.

Q19. What are constructors and destructors? Explain any one type of constructor.

Q20. 6. What is a constructor? Name different types of constructor in C++.

Q21. By taking example, explain Parameterized Constructor.

Q22. What is Class? How can you access member functions of a class?

Q23. Give concept of base class and derived class.

Q24. Define URL and Web Browser.

Q25. Define array. What are its types ?

Q26. Give algorithm of POP.

Q27. What operations can be performed on data structure?

Q28. Define field and record.

Q29. What are various ways of recording facts ?

Q30. How deletion takes place in a queue ?

Q31. How insertion takes place in a queue?

Q32. What are the disadvantage of database?

Q33. What is the role of system analyst ?

Q34. Define structure and array.

Q35. What are primitive and non-primitive data types?

Q36. What is the need of Normalization ?

Q37. What is Black box and Unit testing?

Q38. Define software engineering.

Q39. Define Array. What are its types ?

Q40. Define Internet.

Q41. Explain the use of scope resolution operator in C++ programming.

Q42. Explain any two DDL Commands.

Q43. Explain the various fact recording methods.

Q44. Define Destructor. Write the use of destructor.

Q45. Explain the concept of Base Class and Derived Class.

Q46. Explain the concept of inheritance.

Q47. What are private and public members?

Q48. Define Structure. How structure variables are created?

Q49. Define and declare Friend Function.

Q50. Define URL. Explain its structure.

Q51. Define the following:

(i) Web Address
(ii) Web Browser

Class 12 Computer science 4 marks Question Answer 2023-24

Q1. By taking example, explain WHERE and GROUP BY clause in SQL.

Q2. Explain the following SQL functions: AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN. Most Important

Q3. Give syntax and example of Create Table SQL command. Most Important

Q4. What is difference between drop table and delete SQL command ? Give syntax and example.

Q5. Explain with example various forms of SELECT SQL command.

Q6. What is 1NF? How a table is normalized in it?

Q7. Explain with example IInd Normal form. What are its anomalies?

Q8. What is functional dependency ? Explain 2nd normal form.

Q9. Explain with example 3rd normal form.

Q10. Explain 1st Normal Form.

Q11. Explain survey stage of SDLC. Most Important

Q12. What is Software Engineering? Explain different phases of SDLC. Most Important

Q13. What is software testing? Explain different levels of software testing.

Q14. Explain the concept of File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

Q15. Explain the concept of Firewall. Most Important

Q16. What is a class? How it is declared ? Give example.

Q17. By taking an example, explain base class and derived class.

Q18. By taking example, explain public, private and protected members of a class

Q19. By taking example, explain how a function will be defined inside and outside the class?

Q20. Explain TCP/IP protocol.

Q21. Explain any four TCP/IP protocols.

Q22. Explain any two DML commands with syntax.

Q23. Explain PUSH and POP operation of stack.

Q24. Explain the push and pop operation of a queue.

Q25. Explain Bubble Sort.

Q26. Explain Selection Sort.

Q27. What is sorting? Explain Selection Sort in detail with example.

Q28. Explain constructor with its types. Most Important

Q29. Write difference between constructors and destructors. Explain any two types of constructors.

Q30. Explain Default and Copy Constructors.

Q31. Write a program in C++ to find out the largest number in an array.

Q32. Explain the concept of video conferencing.

Q33. Define database. What are its advantages?

Q34. Explain LAN and WAN.

Q35. Define Inheritance in C++ Explain any 3 types of inheritance.

Q36. Explain inheritance with its types.

Q37. Define Inheritance. Explain any two types of Inheritance.

Q38. Explain the three visibility modes of inheritance.

Q39. Explain Multiple and Multilevel Inheritance.

Q40. What is Stack Data Structure? Write an algorithm to insert an element in a stack.

Q41. What is a computer network ? Why do we need networking in computers ? Explain different types of computer networks.

Q42. By taking example, explain how to pass structure members to functions?

Q43. Write in detail about E-mail.

Q44. By taking example, explain the use of scope resolution operator, data members and members functions.

Q45. Explain Insertion and Deletion operation in Queue.

Q46. Explain each: Most Important
ii. URL
iii. FTP
iv. WWW

Q47. Define a class to represent batsmen in a team. Include following member:

Data Members : First name, Last name, Runs made.

Member functions:

(i) To assign initial values,
(ii) To update runs made
(iii) To display batsman information.

Q48. Create a class – room which includes:

Data Members: Length, Width, Height.

Member Functions :

(i) To assign initial values,
(ii) To calculate area,
(iii) To display information (length, width, area)

Q49. Create a class distance that includes

Data members: feet, inch

Member functions:

(i) To assign values
(ii) To add values
(iii) To print values (feet, inch, distance)

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