HBSE Class 12 Physics Important Questions 2025

Class 12 Physics Important Question Answer solution with pdf. Here We Provides Class 1 to 12 all Subjects NCERT Solution with Notes, Question Answer, CBSE and HBSE Important Questions, MCQ and old Question Papers for Students.

HBSE ( Haryana Board ) Solution of Class 12 Physics important Question And Answer solution for 2024 exams.

HBSE Class 12 Physics Important Questions 2025

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 1 Electric Charges and Fields Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. State and prove Gauss’s Law in Electrostatics. Most Most Important

Q2. What are electric field lines? Draw these for a point charge -Q.

Q3. What is electric flux ? State Gauss’s law for electric flux. Write important points regarding this law.

Q4. What is Coulomb’s law ? Write its expression.

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 2 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. Three capacitors of capacitances 2 pF, 3 pF and 4 pF are connected in parallel. Determine the charge on each capacitor, if the combination is connected to a 100 V supply ?

Q2. Write the expression for energy stored in a capacitor in terms of charge and potential difference between its plates. 

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 3 Current Electricity Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. Explain Kirchhoff’s Junction rule.

Q2. What is Kirchhoff’s loop rule ?

Q3. What is Ohm’s law ? Write its relation. 

Q4. Explain the use of meter bridge for finding an unknown resistance.

Q5. Write the principle of meter bridge. Draw its circuit diagram to determine the value of an unknown resistance. 

Q6. Draw the circuit diagram to determine unknown resistance using metre bridge. Write the equation for determining the unknown resistance.

Q7. Two unequal resistance are connected in parallel. What is same for them?

Q8. What is the maximum current that can be drawn from a storage battery of emf 10 V and internal resistance 0.2Ω ?

Q9. The maximum current that can be drawn from a storage battery of emf 18 V is 30 A. What is its internal resistance ?

Q10. How much current flows through a 3 kΩ resistor when a potential difference of 9 V is applied across its ends?

Q11. State Kirchhoff’s Laws for electrical circuits giving necessary circuit diagram.
Write Kirchoff’s Law of Electrical circuit.

Q12. Explain Wheatstone bridge with the help of a diagram.

Q13. Draw circuit diagram of a wheat stone bridge and write the expression for the balance condition.
Define a Wheatstone bridge ? Draw labelled diagram and discuss the balance condition.

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 4 – Moving Charges and Magnetism Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. State Biot-Savart’s Law and write its Mathematical form. OR
State Biot-Savart’s Law using a diagram.

Q2. Explain the principle and working of a Cyclotron.

Q3. Explain the principle and working of a cyclotron using its schematic sketch. Show that time of revolution of an ion is independent of its speed or radius of its orbit.

Q4. Explain the working of a cyclotron with diagram. What type of particles can be accelerated using it?

Q5. Explain the principle of a moving coil galvanometer. How can it be converted into a voltmeter? Explain with the help of diagram.

Q6. A Explain the principle of a moving coil Galvanometer. How can it be converted into an ammeter ? Draw necessary diagram.

Q7. Define ampere circuital law? Write expression for magnetic field at a distance r from a straight infinite wire carrying current I. Which rule is used to determine the direction of this magnetic field?
State Ampere’s circuital law and explain it briefly using a diagram.

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 5 Magnetism and Matter Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. What is the value of magnetic permeability of a perfectly diamagnetic substance?

Q2. What is the value of angle of dip at the Earth’s magnetic poles?

Q3. Define the term magnetic permeability μ and write its unit.

Q4. Define the term magnetic susceptibility χm and write its unit.

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. Explain the principle and working of A. C. Generator.

Q2. Define self and mutual inductance..

Q3. Define self-induction and the coefficient of self-inductance.

Q4. State Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction and mathematical form.

Q5. State Lenz’s law.

Q6. What is Lenz’s law for electromagnetic induction? 

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 7 Alternating Current Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. A series LCR circuit with R = 40Ω, L = 8H and C = 50 μF is connected to a variable frequency 240 V ac supply. (a) What is the angular frequency ω0 of the source at which resonance occurs?
(b) Calculate the impedance and current at resonant condition.

Q2. Explain the principle and working of a transformer.

Q3. What are Eddy currents? Explain.

Q4. A series L-C-R circuit with R = 44Ω, C = 8μF and L= 50 H is connected to a variable frequency 220 V ac supply. Calculate angular frequency, impedance and current at resonance condition.

Q5. Derive an expression for the force between two parallel straight conductors carrying currents in the same direction. Hence define one ampere. Most Most Important

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 8 Electromagnetic Waves Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. Write two uses each of Microwaves and Gamma rays.

Q2. Write two uses each of Radio waves and X-rays.

Q3. Define displacement current and write its mathematical form.

Q4. The electric field in a plane electromagnetic wave is : Ex = 3.1cos(1.8×10-2 y + 5.4×106 t) Newton/Coulomb. What is the wavelength and frequency of the wave?

Q5. What are electromagnetic Waves ? What is their nature?
What are electromagnetic waves ?

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 9 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. Define power of a lens and give its relation with focal length.

Q2. Draw a labelled ray diagram showing image formation in an astronomical telescope. Derive expression for its magnifying power. Most Most Important

Q3. Draw ray diagram of an astronomical telescope and define its magnification.

Q4. Draw a labelled ray diagram showing the formation of image in a compound microscope. Define its magnifying power and write expression for it. Most Most Important

Q5. Draw the ray diagram of a compound microscope and obtain an expression for the magnifying power of microscope, when final image is formed at the least distance of distinct vision.

Q6. Monochromatic light is refracted from air into a medium of refractive index n. What is the ratio of the wavelengths of the incident and the refracted waves.

Q7. Explain total internal reflection by a ray diagram.
Define Total Internal Reflection.

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 10 Wave optics Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. What is diffraction of light? Explain the intensity distribution graph due to diffraction from a single slit.

Q2. Using Huygen’s construction, explain reflection of a plane wave by a plane surface.

Q3. Find out the expression for Fringe width in Young’s double slit experiment.

Q4. In Young’s double-slit experiment the distance between the central bright fringe and the fourth bright fringe is measured to be 1.2 cm. Determine the wavelength of the light used if the slits are separated by 0.28 mm and the screen is placed 1.4 m away.

Q5. What is polarization of light? Briefly describe polarization by reflection and polarization by scattering of light ?

Q6. What are coherent sources of light? Derive mathematically the conditions for constructive and destructive interference at an arbitrary point due to two coherent sources in terms of phase difference φ.

Q7. Is the speed of light in glass independent of the colour of light? (Yes or No)

Ans – No

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 11 Dual Nature of Radiations and Matter Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. Using Einstein’s photoelectric equation, explain effect of frequency incident radiation on stopping potential.
Draw a graph showing effect of frequency of incident radiation on stopping potential. Explain it by using Einstein’s photoelectric equation.

Q2. If the work function of Caesium is 2.14 eV then find its threshold frequency.

Q3. What is photoelectric effect? Explain effect of intensity on photoelectric current.

Q4. Explain effect of potential on photoelectric current.

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 Atoms Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. Calculate the energy equivalent of 1.6 gram of a substance first in Joules and then in MeV.

Q2. Discuss the three postulates of Bohr’s model for hydrogen atom. OR
State Bohr Postulates of Hydrogen atom.

Q3. Draw the energy Level diagram for hydrogen atom and show transitions corresponding to Lines of Lyman and Balmer Series.

Q4. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV. Find the kinetic energy and the potential energy of the electron in this state.

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 13 Nuclei Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. What is nuclear fusion ? Write its one example and one use of this reaction.

Q2. Explain nuclear fission and nuclear fusion and give their uses.

Q3. Define mass defect and nuclear binding energy. For a nucleus  \displaystyle {}_{Z}^{A}X, write the value of mass defect and nuclear binding energy.

Q4. A Define the term Half-life period and decay constant of a radioactive element. Write the relation between them.

Q5. Explain the laws of radioactive decay. Derive an equation of radioactive decay using these laws.

Q6. What is basic nuclear process underlying B+ decay? Write nuclear reaction of this decay for  \displaystyle {}_{6}^{{11}}C .

Q7. How much activity is one Becquerel (1 Bq) ? 

HBSE Class 12 Physics Chapter 14 Semiconductor Electronics : Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits Important Questions 2024-25

Q1. What are N-type semiconductors ? How they are formed ?

Q2. Draw the circuit diagram of a half-wave rectifier using two p-n Junction diode. Show wave forms of input and output voltages also.
Draw the circuit diagram of Half wave rectifier, showing input and output waves.

Q3. Draw a circuit diagram of a full wave rectifier and explain its output waveform.
Draw the circuit diagram of an Full wave rectifier and explain its input and output voltage waveform.
Draw the circuit diagram of a full wave rectifier using two p-n Junction diode. Draw input, output wave form also.

Q4. What is doping? State two differences between N-type and P-type.
What is the difference between P and N-type semiconductors ?

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