HBSE Class 9 Physical Education Important Question Answer 2025 PDF

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HBSE Class 9 Physical Education Important Question with Answer for Haryana Board Solution.

HBSE Class 9 Physical Education Important Question Answer 2024-2025 

HBSE Class 9 Physical Education 5 marks Important Question 2025

Q1. What is meant by health education ? Throw light on its importance.

Q2. Briefly describe the main areas of Health Education.

Q3. Define Health Education. Describe the factors that influence Health Education. Most important

Q4. What do you mean by Health Education ? Elaborate the aims and objectives of Health Education.

Q5. What do you mean by Personal Health? What points should we keep in mind to promote personal health.

Q6. Define and explain Health Education and mention its objectives according to Prof. Anderson.

Q7. Write the rules regarding Personal Health. Also describe the proper method of cleaning hair. Most important

Q8. Write the rules regarding personal Health. Also describe the method of cleaning Hands. Most important

Q9. How many types of smoking are there ? What are the effects of smoking on Human Health? Most important

Q10. Describe the ill-effects of alcohol on our body. Most important

Q11. What is the meaning and definition of Physical Education? Also describe its major objectives.

Q12. What do you understand by Physical Education ? Throw light on its aims.

Q13. Describe the importance of Physical Education. Most important

Q14. What do you understand by Yoga ? What are its objectives?

Q15. What is the meaning of exercise? What are the advantages of doing exercises?

Q16. What is Good Posture ? Name Posture related deformities and describe methods of keeping posture right.

Q17. What is Safety Education? Describe the principles of Safety education in detail.

Q18. What is Physical Education? Explain its importance.

Q19. Mention the various elements of school health programme. How do all these elements affect the health of children? 

Q20. Explain the difference between yoga and pranayam. What are the things to be kept in mind while doing Yoga ?

Q21. Describe in detail the importance of yoga in daily life.

Q22. Briefly describe the factors which influence personal health.

Q23. Write short note on the following:

(a) Good Posture Most important
(b) Incorrect Posture

Q24. Write short note on the following Asanas :
(i) Chakrasana
(ii) Bhujangasana
(iii) Shirshasana

Q25. “Health is wealth” explain the importance of health by giving descriptive explanation.

Q26. Describe the qualities of a primary assistant.

Q27. “The history of Yoga is as old as the history of India.” Discuss and write the benefits of Yoga.

Q28. Write the meaning and definition and any three objectives of physical education.

Q29. Prepare a fixture of eight teams in the knockout system.

HBSE Class 9 Physical Education 3 marks Important Question 2025

Q1. Briefly describe the objectives of Health Education.

Q2. What are the effects of Smoking on human health?

Q3. What is the importance of good health in our lives?   Most Important

Q4. What thing should we take care of under Health Education?

Q5. How Physical Education is beneficial for health? Most important

Q6. What is the role of Physical Education in the development of individual and society?

Q7. Describe objectives of Physical Education. Most important

Q8. Explain any two objectives of Physical Education.

Q9. According to National Plan, what is called Physical Education ?

Q10. “Physical Education teaches utilization of idle time.” Explain.

Q11. What are the actions in the field of Physical Education ? Describe briefly.

Q12. How physical education teaches usage of free time?

Q13. Why is Yoga necessary for our life? What is sun salutation ?

Q14. What is the importance of Games in a student’s life?

Q15. In safety education what is the primary treatment given to a drowning person?

Q16. Explain the method of shavasana. Most important

Q17. Write down about the symptoms, preventive  measures and treatment of fracture.

Q18. What is the importance of sports competitions for nation ? Most important

Q19. What is Sprain? Describe it’s preventive and treatment measures.

Q20. What is the importance of games in a student’s life?

Q21. What is Sprain? Describe the various causes of sprain.

Q22. What is ‘Pranayam’ ? What things should be kept in mind while doing it?

Q23. What is the importance of Sports Competitions for Nation ?

Q24. What precautions should we take while sleeping?

Q25. How can spectators become good players ?

Q26. What do you mean by Asanas ? What are its types?

Q27. Do sports competitions promote International Brotherhood? Explain your views.

Q28. Discuss any three qualities of a First Aider.

Q29. What is the effect of alcohol on the digestive system ?

Q30. How sports develop the feeling of brotherhood? Describe.

Q31. In the modern era, physical education is being seen as a profession. Explain.

Q32. Describe R.I.C.E.

Q33. Describe any two adventure sports.

Q34. What are the side effects of drug consumption on players? Explain.

Q35. Write the advantages and disadvantages of knockout method.

Q36. Describe how many stages of pranayama are there.

Q37. What should be done to correct posture ?

Q38. Write any five benefits of exercising.

Q39. Explain, why milk is called a complete food.

Q40. What is the difference between knockout system and league system, describe.

HBSE Class 9 Physical Education 2 marks Important Question 2025

Q1. Explain the importance of Health.

Q2. What Is the difference between Physical Education and Health Education ?

Q3. How is health education beneficial ? Explain.

Q4. According to the National Plan, what is called Physical Education?

Q5. What is the contribution of Physical Education in home & family life?

Q6. What do you understand by Safety Education?

Q7. Why is safety education important for present era ?

Q8. Explain any three benefits of giving First Aid to a patient. Most Important

Q9. Write down qualities of a good leader.

Q10. What are the steps taken by the government to make people away from drinking? Most Important

Q11. Write the treatment of heatstroke.

Q12. In what circumstances Asanas is restricted ?

Q13. Write a short note on Vajrasana. Most Important

Q14. In what circumstances Asanas is restricted ?

Q15. Why Yoga is considered a means of complete well-being?

Q16. How does Yoga develop moral and ethical values?

Q17. What do you mean by P. T. ? Most Important

Q18. Write down qualities of a good player.

Q19. What qualities sports create in players?

Q20. What are the effects of doping on the sports performance of Sportspersons?

Q21. What is the importance of sports in students’ life?

Q22. What are minor games?

Q23. What are the effects of drugs or doping on player’s body?

Q24. Which social values are developed through Physical Education?

Q25. What is personal hygiene?

Q26. Give the definition of family.

Q27. What is the mental state of an intoxicated player ?

Q28. What is meant by rabies?

Q29. What is meant by food ?

Q30. What do you understand by Pranayam?

Q31. “The game should be played in the spirit of sports.” Explain it.

Q32. Explain the importance of adventure sports.

HBSE Class 9 Physical Education 1 marks Important Question 2025

Q1. What is the definition of health according to W.H.O. ? Most important

Q2. ‘Healthy mind dwells in a healthy body. Whose statement is it?

Q3. When World Health Day is celebrated every year? Most important

Q4. what is the key of healthy life ?

Q5. What do you mean by P.T. ?

Q6. What do you understand by Physical Education ?

Q7. Physical Education help in the development of which field?

Q8. How physical education transforms the body of a person ?

Q9. How knowledge of physical education helps a person in making the good programme ?

Q10. Presently the main objective of Education is the __________ of the person.

Q11. ___________ was concerned with health education in ancient times.

Q12. What is the main purpose of Physical Education?

Q13. Which education provides us the training of first aid ?

Q14. What is the main feature of First aid ?

Q15. The aim of physical education is harmonious ____________ of an individual.

Q16. What are the best ways to get rid of worldly anxieties?

Q17. Who is the first master of Yoga? Most important

Q18. What is Yoga’ according to Patanjali Saint (Rishi) ?

Q19. What is controlled by Yoga ?

Q20. ____________ gave the definition of Yog Karmasu Kaushalam’.

Q21. From which language did the word Yoga’ originate? Most important

Q22. What is the meaning of Yoga?

Q23. Yogasutra was compiled in ___________ B.C.

Q24. How many players participate together in a team in relay race?

Q25. How to clean Ear?

Q26. Opium is made from which plant? Most important

Q27. On crazy dog’s bite, wound should be first washed with which substance?

Q28. What is sprain ? Most important

Q29. Strain is a ____________ injury.

Q30. Sprains are ___________ injuries.

Q31. Which is the disease commonly caused due to  not maintaining proper bygene of eyes.

Q32. “Man is a Social Creature, whose statement is this? Most important

Q33. Which asana prevents from old age?

Q34. Which asana prevents from Diabetes?

Q35. Ranji Trophy is related to which game? Most important

Q36. Which substance is found in the smoke of Cigarette ?

Q37. What is the meaning of N.C.C.? Most important

Q38. When is World’s Quit Tobacco Day celebrated on ? Most important

Q39. Which substance in tobacco makes it intoxicant?

Q40. Which part of the body has bad effects of Tobacco ?

Q41. Which is the National Sport of India?

Q42. How many players participate together in a team in relay race?

Q43. What is difference between Rest and Sleep?

Q44. How are the lines of Zebra Crossing’ ?

Q45. Who use the word ‘Protein’ First ? Most important

Q46. What is the key to a happy life?

Q47. What is Inheritance? Most important

Q48. Write the full name of W. H. O. Most important

Q49. What does the skin provide to the body?

Q50. How should the player behave in the playground?

Q51. How should be the place for ‘Asana’ ? Most important

Q52. What is the main reason of Cancer?

Q53. What should we use when crossing the road?

Q54. ‘A healthy brain resides in a healthy body only’. __________ said this statement. Most important

Q55. According to ___________ we should wear the clothes.

Q56. There are _________ layers of skin.

Q57. An adult person should sleep for around _________ hours.

Q58. Mental work affect our _________ system.

Q59. Vajrasana should be done after _________.

Q60. What should we do to clean our throat ?

Q61. What is the reaction time of a common person?

Q62. Which drug is used by sportspersons to reduce the body weight?

Q63. Which help should be provided before the arrival of the doctor?

Q64. What is the meaning of Purka ?

Q65. In which fracture a bone enters in another bone?

Q66. Which organ of body controls the body temperature?

Q67. Which disease may be caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin ‘A’ ?

Q68. World Health Organization was established in ____________ A.D.

Q69. _________ repairs muscles of our body.

Q70. We should wash our __________ before taking food.

Q71. Carbohydrates provides __________ to the body.

Q72. Long distance runners use drug known as __________.

Q73. A common person should sleep _________ hours approximately.

Q74. How does physical education shape a person’s body ?

Q75. Durand Cup is related to which sport?

Q76. Who is the Adiguru of Yoga?

Q77. What is the process of exhaling the breath called?

Q78. Adventure sports involve _____________.

Q79. What kind of food should we eat?

Q80. Santosh Trophy is related to which sport?

Q81. Who is founder of Yoga ?

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