HBSE Letter Writing Class 12 English Important Questions Answer 2025

Class 12 English Grammar Letter Writting Important Question Answer solution with pdf. Here We Provides Class 1 to 12 all Subjects NCERT Solution with Notes, Question Answer, CBSE and HBSE Important Questions, MCQ and old Question Papers for Students.

HBSE ( Haryana Board ) Solution of Class 12 English Letter Writing important Question And Answer solution for 2024 exams.

HBSE Letter Writing Class 12 English Important Question Answer 2025

Q1. You are Raman, a student of Class XII of Government Senior Secondary School. Write an application to your Principal requesting him to grant you full fee concession. 

Q2. Write a letter to the librarian of your school requesting him to remit your library fine. 

Q3. Imagine that you are Principal of a Govt. Senior Secondary School. Write a letter to one of your students rusticating him for misbehavior. 

Q4. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police of your district complaining about poor patrolling by the police in your area resulting in petty crimes. 

Q5. Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him to issue you a character certificate. You are Abha/Abhishek of class XII. 

Q6. Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting her to grant you one day’s leave. Sign as Kanika/Kunal of class XII. 

Q7. Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting her to remit your fine for being absent from school. Sign as Roma/Rajiv of class XII. 

Q8. Write a letter to the SHO of your locality reporting the theft of your bike/scooty. You are Nisha/Naresh living at 1020, Sector 6, Jind. 

Q9. You are Kazim/Kumud of 148, Raj Nagar, Jhajjar. You are awaiting your class XII results. Meanwhile, you would like to do a short-term course on etiquette development. Write a letter to The Director, Personal Care, Rohtak enquiring about the course detail. (125-150 words) 

Q10. You are Suneel/Sunita, the head boy/girl of Raman Public School, Jind. An excursion has been planned from your school to Shimla. Write a letter to The Secretary, Youth Hostel, Shimla requesting him to provide accommodation for 15 girls and 20 boys for five days. (125-150 words) 

Q11. You are interested in taking The British Council library membership in Delhi. Write a letter to The Head Librarian asking for the details and the required procedure. You are Preetam/Priya. 

Q12. You are Reena/Rohit. Even after repeated complaints, nothing has been done to address the problem of open potholes in your locality. Write a letter to The Municipal Commissioner, Karnal, requesting him to address the issue at the earliest. 

Q13. Write an application to the Regional Manager, State Bank of India of your city, asking for a loan for further studies. 

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Q14. Write a letter of enquiry to M/s Aggarwal Traders, Delhi enquiring about various kinds of gift items for Diwali. 

Q15. Write an application for the post of a clerk in the office of the Deputy Commissioner, ABC city. 

Q16. You think that there should be moral education in schools. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper, stressing the need of introducing moral education in schools. 

Q17. You are Sumit/Sumita living at 25-A, Park Colony, Jahajpur, Hisar. Your colony is facing a problem of supply of polluted and dirty water for a long time. On behalf of the residents of your colony, write a letter to the Chairman, Jal Board Nigam, Punchkula Complaining about the same and requesting to resolve it as soon as possible. 

Q18. You are Harsh/Harshita, living at Amar Nagar, Rajpura. The insanitary condition of your street has made life worse than a hell. Write a letter to the Sanitary Inspector of Municipal Committee requesting him to take necessary steps so that the people may lead a healthy life.

Q19. You are a student of 10th class. You got a few books issued from Book Bank of your school. Because of certain reason you forgot to return books in time and you were fined heavily. Write a letter to the chief librarian requesting him to remit your fine giving a solid reason. Write yourself as Sumit/Sumita.

Q20. You are Tanuj/Tanuja living at 781, New Prashant Vihar, Delhi. You lost your new schooty. Write a letter to the S. H. O. of your city reporting about the theft of your schooty giving necessary details. 

Q21. You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. These animals have caused traffic jam as well as accidents. You have already written the concerned authorities but no action has been taken so far. So write a letter to the Editor of a leading newspaper telling him about the nuisance created by the stray animals. Sign your name as Preeti/Krishnan, C/5, Assam.


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