HBSE Modal Writing Class 12 English Important Questions Answer 2025

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HBSE ( Haryana Board ) Solution of Class 12 English Modal Writing important Question And Answer solution for 2025 exams.

HBSE Modal Writing Class 12 English Important Question Answer 2025

Q1. The daughter asked her mother if she…… go out.
(a) shall
(b) may
(c) would
(d) can

Q2.  Speak slowly lest you __________ awake the child.

Q3. __________ her soul rest in peace!


Q4. _________ God bless you with a son! (May/Can/Should)

Q5. _________ you have a cup of tea ? (Would/Should/Could)

Q6. A servant _________ obey his master. (must/can/will) Most Important

Q7. Work hard other wise you _________ fail. (will/can/shall).

Q8. You _________ get a prize. (will/shall/can).

Q9. _________ you live long! (May/Can/Will)

Q10. _________ he live long ! (can/may)

Q11. A student _________ respect his/her teacher. (must/would)

Q12. What _________ you like to have in supper ? (would/shall)

Q13. He _________ not talk to you. (dare/used)

Q14. We _________ drive carefully. (would/must)

Q15. You are quite well. You _________ not go to the doctor. (need/should)

Q16. You _________ pay all your taxes. (must/might)

Q17. He _________ play football when he was young. (will/used to)

Q8. If I were rich I _________ buy a car. (would/shall)

Q19. You _________ not worry anymore. (need/dare)

Q20. He _________ take up the responsibility. (shall/ought to)

Q21. That _________ be a doctor. (would/must)

Q22. We _________ obey our parents. (should/would/could)

Q23. _________ you like to come with me ? (would/should/could)

Q24. He _________ swim across the river. (can/would/must)

Q25. He went there so that he _________ borrow money. (can/might)

Q26. _________ you please help my son ? (Could/Might)

Q27. I _________ not go outside now. (dare/ought to)

Q28. _________ our king live long! (May/Will)

Q29. Make haste lest you _________ get late. (will/should)

Q30. My friend did not help me though he _________ have helped. (could/will)

Q31. If we request her, she _________ give a lift. (must/might)

Q32. _________ you work hard you will pass. (should/can)

Q33. I am sure the Principal _________ be in his room. (might/must)

Q34. She expects that her son _________ return. (may/can)

Q35. She advised that I _________ curtail expenditure. (should/can)

Q36. She _________ not have left alone as it was raining heavily. (can/must)

Q37. She _________ swim very well. (can/shall)

Q38. You _________ work hard this year. (must/would)

Q39. _________ I come in, sir ? (May/Will)

Q40. It _________ happen to anyone. (should/can)

Q41. You _________ consult some doctor. (must/would)

Q42. I _________ rather starve than steal. (would/may)

Q43. You _________ keep your promise. (must/should)

Q44. _________ you wait for sometime ? (Should/Could)

Q45. How _________ you insult me ? (may/done) Most Important

Q46. She _________ dance very well. (can/may)

Q47. You _________ give up smoking. (should/shall)

Q48. There _________ be some more buses. (ought to/would)

Q49. You _________ help the needy. (should/could)

Q50. We all _________ respect our soldiers. (shall, can, must)

Q51. Duty _________ be done. (will, can, must)

Q52. I am sure, I _________ get full marks. (shall, will, may)

Q53. _________  you help me please ? (Would, Should, Could)

Q54. Every student _________ answer all the questions. (must, might, may)

Q55. We _________ to serve our parents as well as grandparents. (used to, ought, should)

Q56. There are no clouds in the sky, it  _________ rain today. (might, will, shall)

Q57. By now, you _________ have completed your exam. (used to, dare, should)

Q58. She _________ to sing well in her childhood. (used, dare, should)

Q59. My mother _________ read without spectacles even at the age of 80. (will, used to, dare)

Q60. We _________ develop a habit of reading. (shall, must, needn’t)

Q61. _________  God bless you with good thinking ! (May, Would, Can)

Q62. You _________ do as I say. (shall/will/can)

Q63. _________ you open the door, please ? (shall/will/can)

Q64. We _________ help the needy. (should/could/would)


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