Major Civilizations of the Ancient World Class 10 History Chapter 2 Question Answer – Bharat and the World HBSE Solution

Class 10 History BSEH Solution for Chapter 2 Major Civilization’s of the Ancient World Question Answer for Haryana board. CCL Chapter Provide Class 1th to 12th all Subjects Solution With Notes, Question Answer, Summary and Important Questions. Class 10 History mcq, summary, Important Question Answer, Textual Question Answer are available of Bharat and the World Book for HBSE.

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HBSE Class 10 History Chapter 2 Major Civilization’s of the Ancient World Question Answer for Haryana Board of Bharat and the World Book Solution.

Major Civilization’s of the Ancient World Class 10 History Chapter 2 Question Answer

Egyptian Civilization

Let’s Recall Again :-

Question 1. What are the Sources of knowing the history of Egypt?

Answer – Following are the sources of knowing the history of Egypt:-

  • Literary Sources : Herodotus, Diodotus, Manetho
  • Archaeological Sources: Pyramids, Mausoleums, Murals, Temples, Rosetta Inscription
  • Modern Sources : book by Adoldouf Irman and J.S. Breasted.

Question 2. Into how many parts can the history of Egypt be divided?

Answer – The history of Egypt can be divided into three parts:-

  1. Ancient Period or Pyramid Age (3400 BC to 2160 BC)
  2. Medieval or Feudal Age (2160 BC to 1580 BC)
  3. New Era or Imperial Age (1580 BC to 650 BC)

Question 3. What were the economic activities of the Egyptians?

Answer – The economic activities of the people of Egypt were as follows-

  • Agriculture: Wheat, barley, cotton, flax were the main produce here and among fruits grapes, figs and dates etc. were produced.
  • Animal husbandry: The Egyptians kept animals. They reared cows, sheep, donkeys, calves, monkeys and poultry.
  • Industries: The Egyptians were proficient in many types of industries. They were skilled in cutting stones, making ornaments and utensils, making copper and bronze weapons and making wooden furniture. The Egyptians were also skilled in building boats and ships.
  • Commerce and Trade: Commerce and trade also flourished in Egypt. Internal trade in Egypt was done through the Nile river. Spices, dyes, oils, powders and sandalwood were imported from Egypt, India and Arabia. Animals were also traded.

Describe in Detail :-

Question 1. Throw light on the administrative system of Egypt.

Answer – The administrative system of Egypt was sitting in different parts. Which are described below:-

  • Pharaoh (King): Pharaoh had unlimited rights. He was an autocratic ruler. All the powers of governance were vested in his hands. The Pharaoh was considered a deity.
  • Wazir: After the Pharaoh, the most important post in the administration was that of the Wazir. He used to help the Pharaoh in governance. His main function was to collect taxes and to keep records of income and expenditure.
  • Military organization: Initially, the Pharaoh of Egypt did not have a permanent army. The military organisation of the Pharaoh was based on the feudal system. Later, during the Twelfth Dynasty, the Pharaoh built a permanent army.
  • Council: In the court of the Pharaoh, there was a separate council of elderly courtiers. which was used to advise the Pharaoh.
  • Provincial rule : Pharaoh had divided the empire into many provinces for the convenience of governance. Each province was called Nom and its ruler was called ‘Nomarch’. Nomarch was appointed by the Pharaoh.
  • Local government: The administration of the villages was in the hands of the feudal lords, who had the powers of police and justice. In cities, there was an administrative officer who used to maintain peace, collect revenue etc.
  • Judicial system: The Pharaoh was the chief justice. The case was conducted in writing. The Pharaoh used to decide the case in three days. The criminal was given harsh punishment, such as beating with a stick, mutilation, expulsion from the country.

Question 2. What are the gifts of Egypt to the world?

Answer – The following is the contribution of Egyptian civilization to the world:-

  1. Egypt gave the world a year of 365 days and a calendar.
  2. They invented the sun clock and the water clock.
  3. They made many discoveries in the field of medicine. They prepared such a chemical coating that the dead body could be preserved for centuries.
  4. The names of 600 medicines related to various diseases are mentioned in an Egyptian list.
  5. They promoted the principle of monotheism.

Let’s Do:-

Question 1. List and compare the ancient cities of Egypt and the modern cities.

Answer : Students try themselves with the help of their friends or teacher.

Question 2. On the map of Egypt, mark the trading cities there.

Answer : Students try themselves with the help of their friends or teacher.

Mesopotamian Civilization

Let’s Recall :

Question 1. What is the meaning of Mesopotamia?

Answer – Mesopotamia is a Greek word. It is made up of two words, ‘meso’ and ‘potam’. ‘Meso’ means middle and ‘Potam means river. Thus, the literal meaning of Mesopotamia is the part between two rivers.

Question 2. What were the different civilizations that developed in the Mesopotamian region?

Answer – The civilizations that developed in the Mesopotamian region were Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian.

Question 3. What are ziggurats?

Answer – The tall temples built in the shape of pyramids in the cities of Sumer are called ziggurats.

Describe in Detail :

Question 1. Describe the political, economic, religious and social life of Mesopotamian civilization.

Answer – The following is the description of the political, economic, religious and social life of Mesopotamian civilization:-

Political Life : The rulers were autocratic and had complete control of the empire, but there was a democratic system in the early stages, which later became a monarchy. They ruled on the basis of divine principles. The ruler was the supreme commander, judge and highest official. They divided their empire into many provinces in order to govern them better. The governor of the province was chosen by him. The governor used to collect taxes from his province, maintain peace, and support the ruler in war.

Social Life : The society of that time was divided into three classes-upper class, middle class, and the lower class. Kings, officials, and priests form the upper class. The feudal lords and merchants were among the middle class. The lower classes included slaves and farmers. The ideals of morality were very high in society.

Religious Life : The people of Mesopotamia were polytheistic. Each city had its own deities. They also worshipped the fields, rivers and mountains. Their main deities were Anu (god of the sky), Ki (earth), Sin (moon), Tammuz (god of vegetation and agriculture), Ishtar (goddess of love), Nergal (god of plague) etc. To please these deities, sacrifices were made.

Economic Life : Agriculture was the main occupation of the people. Wheat, barley, olives, cotton and grapes were cultivated. Industry and trade were also advanced at that time. Unions were formed in industry and trade. The exchange was made with pieces of gold, silver divided into the follow and copper. Camels and goats were special among the animals.

Let’s Try to do :

Question 1. Make a list of different gods and goddesses of ancient Mesopotamia and compare them with the gods of Egypt and India.

Answer – The main deities of Mesopotamian civilization were Anu (god of the sky), Ki (earth), Sin (moon), Tammuz (god of vegetation and agriculture), Ishtar (goddess of love), Nergal (god of plague) etc. The people of Mesopotamian civilization worshiped various forms of nature. The people of the Egyptian civilization also worshiped various forms of nature, the greatest of which was the Sun. Which was called by many names like Re, Ra, Horus, Aman etc. After that they also worshiped the god of the Nile (Osiris), the god of the sky (Nut), the god of the moon (Sin). Whereas in India, people worship various forms of nature . Along with this, the people of India believed that God is everywhere. From which we can say that all the three civilizations considered nature as their God.

Question 2. Show the ancient cities of Mesopotamia on the world map.


Greek Civilization

Let’s Recall :

Question 1. Into how many periods can the history of Greece be divided politically?

Answer – From the political point of view of this civilization can be divided into three periods:-

  1. Dark Age or Age of Homer (1200 BC to 800 BC)
  2. Iron Age or Age of City States (800 BC to 500 BC)
  3. Hellenistic Age (500 BC to 200 BC)

Question 2. What is the meaning of Boule and Agora?

Answer –The council consisted of respected persons of the upper class named as ‘Boule’. The general meeting of the public was called ‘Agora’.

Describe in Detail :

Question 1. Describe the features of religious, social, economic and political life of Greek civilization.

Answer – The religious, social, economic and political life of Greek civilization had the following characteristics:-

1. Religious Life : The people of Greece were polytheistic and followed paganism. These people also worshipped natural powers and animals. They also believed in ghosts. Their main deities were Zeus (god of the sky), Apollo (sun), Hermes (god of trade), Poseidon (god of the sea), Mars (god of war), Demeter (goddess of food) etc.

2. Social Life : The society was divided into four classes. First was aristocracy. They were the owners of vast land and property and had a large number of slaves. This class fought in the war. The second was the middle class, consisting of ordinary citizens, called freemen. This class played an important role in trade and commerce. The third social class was the independent workers, called ‘Thete’. The fourth social class is was the slaves, who were called ‘helots’.

3. Economic Life : Greece was economically prosperous. The trade of Greece was spread far and wide. These people made clay and metal utensils, weapons, furniture, oil from olives and wine from grapes, etc. Gold, silver and iron were found in the mountains of Greece. Agriculture was not given attention here.

4. Political Life : The kings were autocratic. Sometimes they were also democratic. The people considered the king equal to God. The king administered the government in consultation with a council. The council consisted of respected persons of the upper class. All free citizens participated in this general meeting. There were three types of citizens in each state- 1. free citizens; 2. foreign citizens; and 3. slaves. Free citizens had fundamental rights. The members of the public assembly were elected by the citizens of Greece.

Let’s Try to do :-

Question 1. Show Greek cities on the world map.


Question 2. Make a list of Greek gods and goddesses and compare them with the gods and goddesses of contemporary civilization.

Answer – The main gods of the Greeks were Zeus (god of the sky), Apollo (sun), Hermes (god of trade), Poseidon (god of the sea), Mars (god of war), Demeter (goddess of food) etc. The deities of contemporary civilization are considered in form of Nature. 

Roman Civilization

Let’s Recall :-

Question 1. Why is Rome called the “City of Seven Hills”?

Answer – Rome was a small village situated on seven hills on the banks of the Tiber river in central Italy. Hence, it was also called ‘City of Seven Hills’.

Question 2. Into how many periods can Roman civilization be divided politically?

Answer – Politically, Roman civilization can be divided into four periods:-

  1. Monarchy period (753 BC-509 BC)
  2. Republican period (509 BC-133 BC)
  3. The period of military leaders (133 BC-27 BC)
  4. Imperial period (27 BC-476 AD)

Question 3. What was the type of administration in Rome?

Answer – The republican system of government in Rome was centred in the hands of the Senate elected by the people. The number of members of the Senate was 300, but all of these members belonged to the patrician class. Two judges were appointed by the Senate. Their tenure was one year. He was the chief justice, chief general and administrator. The consul was assisted by a finance officer called Questers. Apart from this, there were three more officers to assist in the administration – Censors, tax collecting officer, Aedil, peacekeeper and Praetor, judge, their appointments were made for one year. Governors were appointed to conduct the administration of the provinces. Their tenure was of one year.

Let’s Try :-

Question 1. Give an account of the administrative, economic, social and religious life of Roman civilization.

Answer – Following are the details of administrative, economic, social and religious life of Roman civilization:-

Administrative Life – The republican system of government in Rome was centred in the hands of the Senate elected by the people. The number of members of the Senate was 300, but all of these members belonged to the patrician class. Two judges were appointed by the Senate. Their tenure was one year. He was the chief justice, chief general and administrator. The consul was assisted by a finance officer called Questers. Apart from this, there were three more officers to assist in the administration – Censors, tax collecting officer, Aedil, peacekeeper and Praetor, judge, their appointments were made for one year. Governors were appointed to conduct the administration of the provinces. Their tenure was of one year.

Economic life – The main occupations of the Roman people were agriculture and animal husbandry. Wheat, barley, millet, grapes, olives, apples were the main crops in the Latin region of central Italy. The land was owned by wealthy people. The development of trade, commerce and industry in Rome was not much developed, yet the work of making utensils, textile industry, gold and silver jewellery, etc. was done here. These people used to import muslin from India, metal from Africa, silk from China and iron from Greece.

Social Life – The basic foundation of the social life of Rome was the family. Families were united. The members of the family had to obey the orders of the head. 

Religious Life – The people of Rome believed more in the worship of spirits than in the gods of nature. Their gods were as follows: Jupiter (god of peace), Mars (god of war) and Venus (goddess of love), Vesta (god of fire), Apollo (god of music and art), etc. 

Lets Try :

Question 1. Show the countries associated with the Roman Empire on the world map.


Question 2. List the social classes of Roman civilization.

Answer – In Roman civilization, the society was divided into two classes – Patrician class and Plebian class. The patrician class consisted of Latin people who were the actual inhabitants of Rome. The second class consisted of the Plebians, consisted of freed slaves, the landless and the poor peoples.

Question 3. Make a list of Roman deities and compare them with the gods and goddesses of contemporary civilization.

Answer – The main gods of the Roman people were Jupiter (god of peace), Mars (god of war) and Venus (goddess of love), Vesta (god of fire), Apollo (god of music and art), etc.  The deities of contemporary civilization are considered in various forms of Nature. Whereas Roman gods and goddesses were named after celestial bodies.

Chinese Civilization

Let’s Recall :-

Question 1. What were the main features of the economic, social and religious history of Chinese civilization?

Answer – The following are the characteristics of the economic, social and religious history of Chinese civilization:-

1. Economic life – The people of China used to do agriculture and animal husbandry. Millets, rice, wheat and fruits were cultivated here. Other main occupation of the people of China was the silk industry. Some people also did fishing business. There were associations of merchants who used to get them, tobacco, glass, precious stones from abroad and sent Chinese pottery, gunpowder and cards abroad.

2. Social life – According to the Chinese, Panku, the creator of the world, created four classes of society. The first class was of Mandarins that included scholars, teachers, persons with higher education. The second class was the farmers, the third class was the artisans and the fourth class was the traders. The joint family system was prevalent in China.

3. Religious Life – The scholars of China were monotheistic and the people were polytheistic. They worshipped nature. For example, the god of the sky (Yang), the god of wind and earth (Chin) were the main ones. The Chinese were also superstitious. They believed in ghosts, bad omen and witchcraft. 

Question 2. What type of provincial government system was prevalent in Chinese civilization?

Answer – Two or three ‘hin’ (groups of villages) formed a ‘fu’. which was similar to a province. The provinces were also called ‘Sang’. There were small villages and towns whose administration was run by a judge and a governor. They were appointed by the emperor.

Describe in Detail :

Question 1. Give an account of the political, social, religious and economic life of Chinese civilization.

Answer – Following are the features of political, economic, social and religious history of Chinese civilization:-

1. Political Life – In China, the king was called ‘Wang’. He was the supreme judge and priest. He was also a dictator. People considered him as their father and worshipped him as a son of God. Wang had constituted the Council of Ministers for administrative work. There was also an executive council of six members, such as Public Service Committee, Goods and Finance Committee, Ritual and Festival Committee, War and Defence Committee, Punishment and Justice Committee and Public Welfare Committee. There were small villages and towns whose administration was run by a judge and a governor. They were appointed by the Wang.

2. Social life – According to the Chinese, Panku, the creator of the world, created four classes of society. The first class was of Mandarins that included scholars, teachers, persons with higher education. The second class was the farmers, the third class was the artisans and the fourth class was the traders. The joint family system was prevalent in China.

3. Religious Life – The scholars of China were monotheistic and the people were polytheistic. They worshipped nature. For example, the god of the sky (Yang), the god of wind and earth (Chin) were the main ones. The Chinese were also superstitious. They believed in ghosts, bad omen and witchcraft. 

4. Economic life – The people of China used to do agriculture and animal husbandry. Millets, rice, wheat and fruits were cultivated here. Other main occupation of the people of China was the silk industry. Some people also did fishing business. There were associations of merchants who used to get them, tobacco, glass, precious stones from abroad and sent Chinese pottery, gunpowder and cards abroad.

Let’s try to do :

Question 1. List and show the major rivers on the map that played a role in the rise of Chinese civilization.

Answer – Major rivers that played a role in the rise of Chinese civilization:-

  • siqiang
  • hwang hwa
  • wang hou

Students try to fill the map themselves with the help of their teacher.

Question 2. Compare the salient features of Confucianism and Buddhism.

Answer : Confucius was a Chinese philosopher. According to him goodness is a natural quality of man and this quality is obtained from God. Buddhism does not believe in God and the authenticity of the Vedas. He places great emphasis on non-violence and protection of animals.

Maya civilization

Let’s Recall :-

Question 1. In which areas did the Maya civilization spread?

Answer – This civilization was spread in modern Guatemala, Belize, southeast Mexico and the western regions of Honduras and El Salvador.

Question 2. Which is considered the best era of Maya civilization?

Answer – 500 BC to 1000 BC is considered the best era of Maya civilization.

Let’s Consider :

Question 1. Give an account of the characteristics of political, economic, religious and social life of Maya civilization.

Answer – Following are the characteristics of political, economic, religious and social life of Maya civilization:-

Political life – In the Maya civilization, the heads of states were known as ‘real men’ or ‘Halach Uinik’. His position was hereditary. Halack was considered a cosmic and supernatural representative of the Uinik State. There were chieftains of other cities under him called ‘Batabob’. Batabob was in charge of overseeing the administration of his city. Apart from this, there was also a city council consisting of chieftains of various sub-divisions of the city. Sapit Batabob also used to lead the army whenever needed.

Economic life – The main work of the people was agriculture and animal husbandry. These people used to grow crops like wheat, barley, gram, sugarcane, coconut etc. and along with this they reared cows and goats. In the Maya civilization, the work of making boats, cotton clothes, copper bells, swords and ornaments were the main works of people of Maya civilization.

Religious Life – The images of the deities were made with sculpted masks and they were worshipped in temples built on platforms. The ruling class considered the gods as their ancestors. Before doing any work, sacrifices were made to please the gods. Cities and states had their own gods.

Social life – Maya people constructed wide roads which were called ‘Sacbe’ or ‘Sacbeob’. The houses of farmers and ordinary people were made of mud which were called ‘Na’. Whereas in the houses of Batabob, Halach Uinik and other wealthy people using beautifully carved wood.

Come try it out :-

Question 1. Mark the places associated with the Maya civilization on the map of America.

Answer : Students try themselves with the help of their teacher.

Question 2. Compare the Mayan calendar with the Sumerian civilization.

Answer : Students try themselves with the help of their teacher.


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