Medieval Society : Europe and India Class 10 History Chapter 4 Important Question Answer – Bharat and the World HBSE Solution

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HBSE Class 10 History Chapter 4 Medieval Society : Europe and India Important Question Answer for Haryana Board of Bharat and the World Book Solution.

Medieval Society : Europe and India Class 10 History Chapter 4 Important Question Answer

Question 1. How was the condition of the farmers in Europe?

Answer – In Europe, there was a hut of grass for the living of the farmer. These people lived the life of slaves. They could not even marry off their children without the permission of the owner. These people could not leave the vassal of the lord or feudal lord. The condition of the farmers was very pathetic.

Question 2. What was the condition of farmers in India during the medieval period?

Answer – The condition of the farmers of India during this period was pathetic . The main source of income of the state was the land tax. From this tax, the state officials used to get salary, which the farmers could not even oppose. After paying the tax burden and the bulk of the produce to the zamindar, the peasants were left with very little.

Question 3. Write an essay on slavery in India during the medieval period.

Answer – During the medieval period, most of the prisoners of war and those who could not pay taxes were made slaves in India. There were large markets of slaves in Goa and Delhi. Men, women and children were all included in the slaves. After converting the slaves to Islam, they were made to do various service tasks like domestic work, lifting of spittoons, lifting umbrellas, work as bodyguards etc. Their condition was very deplorable. During the Mughal period, Akbar stopped the practice of enslavement of prisoners of war.

Question 4. What was the difference between the condition of farmers in India and Europe during the medieval period?

Answer – 

India Europe
  • In Indian society, peasants were not the property of the landowners.
  • The farmers had to give part of their income to the zamindar and the government.
  • The farmers had their own land.
  • Farmers also had to pay land tax.
  • In European society, farmers were considered the property of the landowners.
  • The peasants had to give one-tenth of their income to the church.
  • Peasants did not have land of their own.
  • Farmers did not have to pay land tax.

Question 5. What is meant by Mavasat?

Answer – Many farmers neither paid taxes to the government nor obeyed any orders of the government. In the event of an attack by the army, they used to migrate to inaccessible places like forests, hilly regions, deserts, etc. Such areas were known in contemporary descriptions as Mavas or Mavasat.

Question 6. Discuss the conversions in Medieval India.

Answer – In the medieval period, Islam arrived in India with invaders, merchants and Sufis. From 636 AD to 1761 AD, there were continuous invasions of foreign invaders into India. These invaders were motivated by the objectives of the expansion of their empire, the plunder of wealth and the spread of Islam, etc. But they had to face resistance from the people of India. If the policy of sword and fire was unsuccessful for conversion, attempts were made to convert people by greed and imposing jaziya tax. But they were partially successful in their effort. The approximate ratio of Muslims and Hindus to the total population of undivided India (Indian subcontinent) by 1800 AD was 1:7. That is, less than 15 percent of the population could be converted.

Question 7. Medieval European Society was divided into how many classes ? (HBSE 2023)
What were the three main classes in the Society of Medieval Europe? (HBSE 2023)

Answer – European society in the medieval period was mainly divided into three classes. The first class was that of the clergy. Their main work was to serve God and take care of the order of the church. The second class was that of the feudal lords, who had the responsibility of protecting society. The third class was that of the common people, who provided the means of living for both the upper classes.

Question 8. How was the life in Christian monasteries? Describe in detail.

Answer – Solitary monks lived in monasteries. The monasteries also had large land properties. They were independent. Each monastery had its own prayer halls, fields, gardens and barns. Their lives were busy. There was a special worship at midnight, which was announced by the big bell ringing in the monastery. After worship, monks usually fall asleep again. Getting up in the morning, they used to participate in the morning prayer again. Till the afternoon, they spent their time in study and contemplation, after taking a short rest after lunch, they did work like copying the Bible, working in the garden, fishing, drying leather, making idols and bread. They went to sleep after praying and having food in the evening. The abbot ran the monastery. Under the abbot, assistant abbots were appointed to assist him. The abbot and the assistant abbots were generally like feudal lords. Their life was luxurious, but it was based on the code of conduct of the monastery. This code of conduct was based on simplicity. Like monks, nuns also had monasteries. Their life was based on a certain discipline, but their monasteries were not as prosperous as the monasteries of the monks.

Question 9. What were the means of entertainment in medieval European society?

Answer – The celebration of the big day was celebrated by dance, music and mass feast. Special dishes were prepared on the occasion of Easter. People were also interested in archery in England. Medieval fairs were also a source of entertainment for the people. The sport of skating was popular in winter. Fishing was also a means of entertainment.

Question 10. Who was the Knight?

Answer – The knight used to keep shields, lancets, a spear, an axe, a knife, and a club. He was a mounted warrior who played a decisive role in the war. To be killed in battle was a sign of his bravery.

Question 11. What were the means of entertainment in medieval Indian society?

Answer – In the medieval period, the main means of entertainment in India were music, dance, hunting, wrestling, animal fights, chess, etc. There was also entertainment through festivals.


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