The Lion King Class 5 English Chapter 2 Question Answer – Haryana Board Solution

NCERT Class 5th english Chapter 2 question answer Solution For School Students of Class 5th. We also Provides Notes and Important Questions for Class 5 of HSBE.

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NCERT Class 5 English Chapter 2 The Lion King Question Answer for HBSE ( Haryana Board) Students.

The Lion King Class 5 Chapter 2 Question Answer


I. Which of the following sentences are spoken by the Lion King? Tick (✔) them.

  1. My kingdom was never beautiful.

  2. My birds sang the sweetest songs.

  3. None of the hilly tribes lived with us.

  4. I was proud of my kingdom.

  5. Many of my subjects died.

  6. People destroyed the forest in spite of its benefits.


  1. My kingdom was never beautiful.  ✖

  2. My birds sang the sweetest songs. 

  3. None of the hilly tribes lived with us. ✖

  4. I was proud of my kingdom.

  5. Many of my subjects died.

  6. People destroyed the forest in spite of its benefits.

II. Answer the following questions.

Q1. How did the forest look before the civilized people came there?

Ans. The forest look very beautiful with full of tall trees, climbers, bushes, shrubs, water springs, hills and valleys before the civilized people came there.

Q2. How did the hill tribes look upon the forest?

Ans. The hill tribes worshiped forest as God. They loved the forest, its smell of air and taste of freshness.

Q3. Who were responsible for the destruction of the forest? How did they destroy it?

Ans. The civilized people are responsible for the destruction of the forest. They destroyed it by selfish means like hunt animals for flesh, skin, tusks and claws, cut trees for wood.

Q4. Pick out words/phrases in paragraphs 5-6 that show the anger of the king of the  forest.

Ans. Words that show the anger of king of forest are as : greedy, selfish, destruction, hunter, smuggler, captured etc.

Q5. What steps do we need to take to protect the forest?

Ans. First of all we need to start a campaign regarding forest conservation. Then we need to plant more trees, stop hunting animals and stop cutting of trees.


I. Write the words related to the given words in the boxes. One has been done for you. 


II. Match the following animals with their young ones.

lion fawn
deer colt
horse cub
cow kitten
cat puppy
dog bunny
rabbit calf


lion        ——→ cub
deer fawn
horse     ——→ colt
cow calf
cat         ——→ kitten 
dog puppy
rabbit    ——→ bunny

III. Match the following animals with their living places. 

lion stable
dog shed
horse den
cow burrow
snake kennel
rabbit hole


lion  den
dog kennel
horse stable 
cow burrow
snake  hole 
rabbit burrow

IV. Complete the following group of words (similes) by using appropriate words from the

help  Box.

elephant                           snail                           lion                           rabbit

bee                                   lamb                           wolf                         bat

  1. as brave as a ___________

  2. as blind as a ___________

  3. as gentle as a __________

  4. as big as an ____________

  5. as hungry as a _________

  6. as timid as a _________

  7. as slow as a __________

  8. as busy as a _________


1 as brave as a wolf

  1. as blind as a snake

  2. as gentle as a bat

  3. as big as an elephant

  4. as hungry as a lion

  5. as timid as a rabbit

  6. as slow as a snail

  7. as busy as a bee


Pick out nouns and verbs from the paragraph given below and put them in the appropriate columns. One has been done for you.

The hill tribes also lived with us. They were happy with what the forest gave them.  They worshipped forest as God. They enjoyed the touch of the earth, the smell of the air and the taste of the freshness. And most of all, they loved the forest and respected our freedom.

Noun Verb
tribes lived


Noun  Verb
tribes lived
God gave
earth worshipped

Listening and Speaking

I. Listen to the story carefully and fill in the blanks.

Rita loved her _______ Sheroo. Every day, Sheroo would go out of the _______ and come back on its own. But one day he did not come home. Rita looked everywhere for him. _______ rolled own her cheeks. Sheroo was lost. He was nowhere to be found. Rita was _______ when she reached home. She got into her _______. All of a sudden something jumped on her. Can you guess who it was? Rita was very _______.

Ans. Rita loved her Pet Sheroo. Every day, Sheroo would go out of the Home and come back on its own. But one day he did not come home. Rita looked everywhere for him. She rolled own her cheeks. Sheroo was lost. He was nowhere to be found. Rita was sad when she reached home. She got into her Room. All of a sudden something jumped on her. Can you guess who it was? Rita was very happy.


I. Last week you went to a zoo with your parents. Describe your visit to the zoo keeping in mind the following hints:

» when you went                                            »    things you took with you

» with whom you went                                  »   how you felt to see the animals

Ans. Last Saturday we decided to a zoo with my parents and my younger brother. We took a bag full of food for us and some also for animals. At about nine we reached the zoo. We bought tickets and entered the gate. A zoo is a world of wild animals and birds, made artificially by man. Different kind of Sparrows and parrots welcomed us at the zoo. There were deer, monkeys and rabbits of different breeds. We gave some food to animals. I felt very happy to see the animals. It was a lovely visit.

II. Read the following.

A rabbit was very proud of being a fast runner. He boasted of it all the time. He began to laugh on seeing a tortoise moving slowly. 

‘Why do you laugh?’ asked the tortoise. ‘Because you are so slow,’ answered the rabbit.

The tortoise didn’t like it and challenged the rabbit to have a race with him.

Now describe in the space given below what may have happened next.

Ans. They agreed on a route and started off the race. The rabbit shot ahead and ran briskly for some time. Then seeing that he was far ahead of the tortoise, he thought he’d sit under a tree for some time and relax before continuing the race. He sat under the tree and soon fell asleep. The tortoise plodding on overtook him and soon finished the race, emerging as the undisputed champ. The rabbit woke up and realized that he’d lost the race.”

III. Look at the picture of a lion. Write 4-5 sentences about the lion. You may use the  information given below.

kind of animal wild
known as the king of forest
qualities brave, fearless, powerful
physical features sharp teeth and claws
where found dense forest

Ans. Lion is a wild animal known as the king of forest because he is  brave, fearless and powerful.  He has sharp teeth and claws. Lion is found in dense forest.

Follow Up

Collect pictures of some wild animals and paste them in your notebook. 

Ans. Do it yourself.


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