CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 1 Planning in Sports Important Question Answer

Class 12th
Subject Physical Education
Category Important Questions

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 1 Planning in Sports Important Question Answer

Q1. What is Planning?

Ans – It is the process of creating a comprehensive action plan to achieve organizational goal(s). Planning is an ongoing step, and can be highly specialized based on organizational goals, division goals, departmental goals, and team goals.

Q2. What are the Functions of Management?

Ans –

Planning: It is the process of creating a comprehensive action plan to achieve organizational goal(s). Planning is an ongoing step, and can be highly specialized based on organizational goals, division goals, departmental goals, and team goals.

Organizing: This includes distributing resources and organizing personnel in order to achieve the goals established in the planning function.

Staffing: This refers to identifying key staff positions, and to ensuring that the proper talent is serving that specific job duty in order to achieve the aims and objectives of an organization.

Directing: Directing personnel is a leadership quality, and includes letting staff know what needs to be done, and also by when. It includes supervision of personnel while simultaneously motivating them.

Controlling: Controlling refers to all the processes that leaders create to monitor success. It involves establishing performance standards, measuring actual performance and comparing them irregularities.

Q3. What are the Objectives of Management? Most Important

Ans – 

Goal oriented: Planning is a goal-oriented activity, i.e., it gives direction and vision to the conducting of sports events. Without determining the goal, a plan cannot be executed. Planning aims at realistic goal settings and their attainment.

Policy: Development of a policy is very important to set boundaries for overall conduct of the event. This will serve as a guide and assist in decision making.

Economy: Planning helps in cost reduction, as it increases coordination and financial control. Budget should be prepared in quantitative terms, covering all aspects of the sports events which are to be conducted.

Rules and regulations: Guidelines comprising rules and regulations of games or tournament should be prepared and published well in advance to keep the scope for subjectivity and bias in judgement very low.

Strategy: It provides the way through which an organisation can successfully achieve its goals, i.e., successfully conduct the event.

Q4. What should be the role of technical and marketing committee while organizing the event?

Ans – 

Role of Technical Committee –

Pre-sports event/ tournament: Before the event, it is the job of the Technical Committee to put forward a requisition to purchase equipment, invitation and confirmation from officials to conduct sports event, cleaning and layout of the fields, arrangement of equipment and stationery, preparation of fixtures, rules and regulation of the sports event.

During sports event/ tournament: While the tournament is in progress, the Technical Committee is responsible for conducting matches, presence of the jury, cleaning and layout of the fields, collection of score sheets and other related papers from officials, preparation of merit list, etc.

Post sports event/ tournament: After the event is over, the Technical Committee arranges for the cleaning and layout of the fields, maintenance of the field, and placing of all equipment back to store.

Role of Marketing Committee –

Pre sports event/ tournament: The Marketing Committee prepares a strategy for arranging for sponsorships, publicity of the event, arranging meetings or calling on sponsors, preparation of MoUs for sponsorships etc.

During sports event/ tournament: The Marketing Committee issues press release(s), works with media, manages methods of communication, fulfils the requirements of sponsors as per MoUs, arrangement for telecast of event etc.

Post sports event/ tournament: Once the event is over, the Committee issues a press release, and may arrange for a re-telecast of the event.

Q5. Differentiate between knockout and league tournament. Most Important

Ans –

Knockout Tournament : In a Knock-Out Tournament a player or team continues to play matches until it is defeated. In this type of format, players or teams have to consistently give their best performance to avoid elimination

League or Round Robin Tournament : In League or Round Robin Tournament, a player or team will play the matches that are allotted before the start of the tournament. Fixed number of matches are given to players and teams, and losing one or all can put them out of the tournament. Players or teams will get equal chance to play with each other. Thus, the true winner emerges from this format and ranking can be prepared for all participating players or teams.

Q6. Write merits of league tournament.

Ans –

  • True Winner win the tournament.
  • Each team have mulitple chances to match against other teams.
  • Increase’s People interest in tournament and generates high revenue.

Q7. Draw the Fixture of 21 Teams in Knockout Tournament. Most Important

Ans – 

Total Number of teams = 21

Number to byes will be given according to 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 Concept.

Total Number of byes – 32 – 21 = 11

Total Number of byes in Upper Half =  \displaystyle \frac{{\text{(Number of Byes -1)}}}{2}\text{= }\frac{{\text{11-1}}}{2}\text{= 5}


Total Number of byes in Upper Half =  \displaystyle \frac{{\text{(Number of Byes +1)}}}{2}\text{= }\frac{{\text{11+1}}}{2}\text{= 6}

Total Number of Matches – (N -1) = 21 – 1 = 20 Matches

Teams in Upper Half =  \displaystyle \frac{{\text{21+1}}}{2}\text{= 11}

Teams in lower Half =  \displaystyle \frac{{\text{21-1}}}{2}\text{= 10}

Fixture of 21 Teams –

Q8. Write the formula for determine the number of matches in league tournament.

Ans –

 \displaystyle \frac{{\text{N(N -1)}}}{2}

Q9. Define Intramural Tournament and Write the objectives of Intramural Tournament.

Ans – The meaning of the word ‘intramural’ is “within the walls”. In context of sports, it refers to a tournament conducted within the walls of a single institution/ school/ community. Intramural competitions/tournament are conducted within players of one institution.

Objectives of Intramural Tournament are following –

  • To encourage mass participation in sports in an institution.
  • To focus on all-round development of children.
  • To focus on fitness, wellness and health aspects of children.
  • To promote curricular integration through sports.
  • To help children to develop personality

Q10. Define Extramural Tournament and Write the objectives of Extramural Tournament.

Ans –  Extramural tournaments are very popular and an essential part of educational organisation, and communities, where a common team represents a school, colleges or group and promote participating or organising various inter institution competitions for engaging children and youth into various types of benefits.

objective of intramural tournaments are following –

  • To achieve high performance at highest level of the tournament.
  • To develop the feeling of integration with other institutions
  • To provide opportunities for choosing a career in sports
  • To promote social, cultural, economic development through sports.

Q11. What is Sports Day?

Ans – Sports Day is one of the important programmes that feature in the annual calendar of most schools. It is an event to showcase children’s abilities and prowess on the sports field to parents. It also reflects the organisational strength of the institution.

Q12. When Fit India movement was launched?

Ans – Fit India movement was launch on29 August 2019 on the occasion of birth anniversary of Major Dhyan Chand by Shri Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India.

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