CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 3 Yoga & Lifestyle Important Question Answer

Class 12th
Subject Physical Education
Category Important Questions

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 3 Yoga & Lifestyle Important Question Answer

Q1. Discuss Asanas as a preventive measure for disease.
“Asanas can be used as a preventive measures.” Comment

Ans – Yoga plays an important role in helping individuals adopt a healthier lifestyle for improved physical and mental health, which, in turn, results in better productivity. Yoga is therapeutic in modern lifestyle disease like stress, diabetes, hypertension, backache etc. The power of yoga lies in its simplicity, flexibility, and diversity. As a result, Yoga has been the subject of global popularity and research in the past few decades.

Q2. How is yoga helpful in improving lifestyle?

Ans – Yoga help in improving lifestyle by the following ways-

  • Yoga improves bone quality and strengthen the body bones and joints.
  • By performing Yoga regularly, cardiac muscle tissue begins working better, increasing cardiac output. Blood circulation improves and blood stress normalizes and stabilizes.
  • yoga can be helpful in boosting the immune system and decreasing inflammation in the body as it lowers stress hormones and strengthens the nervous system, while also stimulating the lymphatic system, which removes toxins from the body.
  • Yoga increases the size of lungs and chest which improves efficiency of Respiratory organs.
  • Yoga asanas can help redress problems associated with poor body posture and the effects of structural decay, because they strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight ones.

Q3. How do Asanas help bones and joint to grow stronger?

Ans – Yoga asanas are performed with postural stability and complete focus on the movement of joints and elasticity of muscles. Yoga is a weight-bearing exercise, which simply means you hold the weight of your body up against gravity. This puts mild stress on the bones and keeps them strong. Unlike other weight-bearing activities, yoga does not damage cartilage or stress the joints. Instead, it helps to strengthen and maintain bone health, relieves stress, improves balance and thereby reduces the likelihood of falls.

Q4. Ardha Matsyendrasana posture is also known as…..

Ans – Half Spinal Twist Pose.

Q5. Explain how Trikonasana is helpful in management of obesity?

Ans – The name Trikonasana comes from the Sanskrit words Trikona meaning triangle and Asana meaning posture. This is a standing posture using the legs to firmly ground the lower body (creating a triangle with the floor) and through the vertically extended arm stretching the upper body (creating a triangle between the front foot and grounded hand). Trikonasana stretches the muscles of the arms, trunk and legs. The primary muscles stretched in this posture are the front leg hamstrings and the abdominal and back muscles. The primary muscles strengthened in this posture are the quadriceps and the gluteal muscles.

Q6. What is Diabetes Mellitus ?

Ans – Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder where there is a defect in utilization of sugar by the body.

Q7. Explain Diabetes and its symptoms. Most Important

Ans – Diabetes is a metabolic disorder where there is a defect in utilization of sugar by the body.


  • Excessive urination.
  • Excessive thirst.
  • Dehydration due to excessive urinary output.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Loss of body weight
  • decreased resistance

Q8. Explain benefits of Ardhmatsyendrasana.

Ans – 

  1. Ardh Matsyendrasana increases lung capacity and improves oxygen supply to the lungs
  2. This asana increases purification of the blood as well as of the internal organs.
  3. It is an asana that is useful for diabetics (b-cells and t -cells), with concentration on the pancreas.
  4. This asana regulates the secretion of bile and adrenaline.
  5. It stimulates functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  6. Ardh Matsyendrasana increases the elasticity of the spine, tones the spinal nerves and improves the functioning of the spinal cord. It also benefits the muscles of shoulder and back.
  7. It is an asana that is helpful for those suffering from constipation and dyspepsia.
  8. This Asana improves liver efficiency and removes debility of kidney

Q9. Write down benefits of Tadasana.

Ans – 

  1. The stretch of the spinal bone promotes proper growth and clears up congestion of the spinal nerves at the points at which they emerge from the spinal column.
  2. It helps to give control over muscular movement and stimulates the entire nervous system of the body.
  3. This asana improves curvature of the spine and exercises back, neck and spinal joints.
  4. It stretches and tones the abdominal muscles, hence improving digestion.
  5. The chest is expanded, giving room for clear passage for breathing from the diaphragm. This in turn relieves asthma and heavy breathing.
  6. It relieves constipation.
  7. It makes the waist slim, the chest broad; removes fatty deposits on hips and also increase height of growing children.

Q10. Discuss the benefits of Bhujangasana.

Ans –

  1. The nerves along the spinal column, back and neck are toned, blood circulation is improved and the spine is supple and healthy.
  2. The lower abdominal muscles are also toned and strengthened. The pressure on the abdomen aids digestion, stimulates appetite, relieves flatulence and constipation.
  3. This asana helps burn excess fat deposits around the hips, neck, chest, arms, etc.
  4. It relieves migraine.
  5. This yoga asana is beneficial if suffering from a sluggish liver.
  6. Stretching the neck while doing this asana improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  7. It is also said that this yoga asana tones the kidneys which helps in purification of blood, removing any stagnant blood and improving the health of the whole body.
  8. Bhujangasana tones the ovaries and the uterus and helps to remove any disorders in connection to the uterus. Thus, it is also helpful during menstruation.

Q11. Explain Asthma and its symptoms. Most Important

Ans – Asthma is a disease of the respiratory system where the airways get narrowed, often in response to a “trigger” such as exposure to an allergen, cold air, exercise, or emotional stress.

Symptoms –

  1. Asthma is characterized by episodic dyspnea (difficulty in breathing), wheezing and cough.
  2. There is difficulty in expiration.
  3. Patient may experience tightness of the chest/discomfort in the chest.
  4. The attack may last from one to several hours.
  5. Severe attack, called “status asthmaticus”, is often not responsive to usual therapy. It is a medical emergency and may affect the heart and circulatory system.
  6. Hypercapnia (increased level of CO2), acidosis and hypoxia (decreased O2 level), may occur in Asthma, though these conditions are rare.

Q12. Discuss the asanas helpful for a person suffering from asthma.

Ans – Gomukhasana, Chakrasana, Parvatasna, Bhujanasana, Sukhasana, Matsyasana,  Paschimottanasana

Q13. Write in detail the benefits of Chakrasana.

Ans – 

  1. The digestive system improves and indigestion is cured as a result of this asana.
  2. Chronic headaches and shoulder pains caused by unhealthy lifestyle are cured.
  3. Irritation in the calf muscles with uneasy cramps during menstrual times is healed.
  4. Chakrasana helps in relieving asthma, back pain, migraine, stress and anxiety.
  5. The entire body gets stretched with this asana, specially the muscles of shoulders, arms, wrists, legs, chest, entire spine and the muscles around the neck, facial muscles, abdominal muscles and thighs.

Q14. Define Blood Pressure.

Ans – Blood pressure is the pressure your blood exerts against your blood vessel walls as your heart pumps. Blood pressure comes from two physical forces. The heart creates one force as it pumps blood into the arteries and through the circulatory system. The other force comes from the arteries resisting the blood flow. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (written as mmHg). For example, normal blood pressure in adults should be less than 120/80 mmHg.

Q15. Discuss the asanas helpful for relief in low back pain.

Ans – Tadasana, Ardhamatsyaendrasana, Bhujangasana, Vakrasana, Shalabhasana

Q16. Write down the benefits and contraindications of Savasana in detail. Most Important

Ans –


  1. It helps reduce stress and removes physical and mental fatigue.
  2. It relaxes all muscles and nerves of the body
  3. It is helpful to overcome psychological disorders.
  4. It is very beneficial for managing high blood pressure, cardiac diseases and anxiety disorders.


  1. A very distracted mind is going to find it difficult to relax and by pushing the body, it will cause more irritation and bring a headache.
  2. Someone with severe acidity may find lying on the back very uncomfortable as the food pipe may cause irritation.

Q17. Discuss the asanas helpful for a person suffering from Hypertension.

Ans – Tadasana, Vajrasana, Pavan Muktasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Bhujangasana, Sharasana

Q18. What is Obesity? Name any two asanas recommended to control obesity.

Ans – Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat accumulates to such an extent that health may be affected. It is commonly defined as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30kg/m2 or higher. Obesity, in absolute terms, is an increase of body adipose tissue (fat tissue) mass.  Asanas like Trikonasana, Vajrasana is recommended to control obesity.

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