CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Important Questions 2024

CBSE Board Class 12 Physical Education All Chapters important Questions answer for 2024 Exams.

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Important Question Answer 2024

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 1 Planning in Sports Important Questions 2024

Q1. What is Planning?

Q2. What are the Functions of Management?

Q3. What are the Objectives of Management? Most Important

Q4. What should be the role of technical and marketing committee while organizing the event?

Q5. Differentiate between knockout and league tournament. Most Important

Q6. Write merits of league tournament.

Q7. Draw the Fixture of 21 Teams in Knockout Tournament. Most Important

Q8. Write the formula for determine the number of matches in league tournament.

Q9. Define Intramural Tournament and Write the objectives of Intramural Tournament.

Q10. Define Extramural Tournament and Write the objectives of Extramural Tournament.

Q11. What is Sports Day?

Q12. When Fit India movement was launched?

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 2 Sports & Nutrition Important Questions 2024

Q1. Differentiate between Macro and Micro Nutrients.

Q2. What are Nutrients?

Q3. What are carbohydrates? Differentiate between its types.

Q4. Explain different types of nutrients and their function and sources. Most Important

Q5. Name two water soluble vitamins.

Q6. Name Some fat soluble Vitamins.

Q7. Write down some sources of Vitamin A.

Q8. Write down some sources of Vitamin D.

Q9. Write down some sources of Vitamin E.

Q10. Write down some sources of Vitamin K.

Q11. Write down some sources of Calcium.

Q12. What do you understand by a balanced diet?

Q13. What are Non-Nutritive component of food. What are the benefits of Non-Nutritive foods?

Q14. What is BMI? Write the formula for calculating BMI. Most Important

Q15. What is food Intolerance? Enlist the foods which are commonly associated with food intolerance.

Q16. Explain the importance of fluid intake during a competition.

Q17. What should be the basic nutrient in a weightlifter’s diet and why?

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 3 Yoga & Lifestyle Important Questions 2024

Q1. Discuss Asanas as a preventive measure for disease.
“Asanas can be used as a preventive measures.” Comment.

Q2. How is yoga helpful in improving lifestyle?

Q3. How do Asanas help bones and joint to grow stronger?

Q4. Ardha Matsyendrasana posture is also known as…..

Q5. Explain how Trikonasana is helpful in management of obesity?

Q6. What is Diabetes Mellitus ?

Q7. Explain Diabetes and its symptoms. Most Important

Q8. Explain benefits of Ardhmatsyendrasana.

Q9. Write down benefits of Tadasana.

Q10. Discuss the benefits of Bhujangasana.

Q11. Explain Asthma and its symptoms. Most Important

Q12. Discuss the asanas helpful for a person suffering from asthma.

Q13. Write in detail the benefits of Chakrasana.

Q14. Define Blood Pressure.

Q15. Discuss the asanas helpful for relief in low back pain.

Q16. Write down the benefits and contraindications of Savasana in detail. Most Important

Q17. Discuss the asanas helpful for a person suffering from Hypertension.

Q18. What is Obesity? Name any two asanas recommended to control obesity.

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 4 Physical Education & Sports for CWSN Important Questions 2024

Q1. Write in detail about Disability.
Define disability and list down any two types of disability.

Q2. Define Impairment.

Q3. What is the full form of EBD.

Q4. What is locomotor disabilites?

Q5. What are the characteristics of cerebral palsy?

Q6. Define Sickle cell disease.

Q7. What is Down Syndorme.

Q8. What are the difficulties faced by person with visual impairment?

Q9. Write a short note on Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).

Q10. What do you know about Sensory Processing Disorder?

Q11. List the signs and symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

Q12. What do you mean by disability etiquette? List down any 4 disability etiquettes while communicating with a person with special needs.

Q13. What is the role of positive and energetic attitude in dealing with person with Disability?
How can you make a person with disability feel comfortable?

Q14. Explain any three strategies to Make Physical Activities Accessible for CWSN.

Q15. Create a mind map including any six advantages of physical activities for children with special needs.
“Participation in physical activities is advantageous for children with special need.” Briefly explain any six advantages.

Q16. What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? What are the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 5 Children & Women in Sports Important Questions 2024

Q1. Define Motor Development.

Q2. Briefly describe the domains of motor development.

Q3. Define Locomotor Skills.

Q4. What is Dynamic Posture.

Q5. What is Static Posture.

Q6. What is meant by Knock Knees? 

Q7. Write in brief the causes and symptoms of Knock Knees.

Q8. What is meant by flat foot? 

Q9. What is meant by Round Shoulders? Mention a few exercises to correct it.
What do you understand by Round shoulders deformity? Suggest any four corrective measures for round shoulders.

Q10. What is meant by Kyposis?

Q11. What is the Lordosis? Write in brief.

Q12. What is meant by Scoliosis?

Q13. What is meant by Bow Legs?

Q14. Explain the various constraints faced by women in sports. Most Important

Q15. How has women’s participation in sports changed over the last two decades?

Q16. Write in brief the corrective measures of Bow Leg, Knock Knee and Flat Foot.

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 6 Test & Measurement in Sports Important Questions 2024

Q1. What is the purpose of standing broad jump test.

Q2. Write a test to measure flexibility.

Q3. Write a test to measure endurance.

Q4. Define Motor fitness.

Q5. Barrow motor ability test was developed by whom.

Q6. What is Vo2 Max?
What is Aerobic Capacity?

Q7. Who developed Harvard step test.

Q8. Explain the procedure and scoring of 600meter run/ walk.

Q9. What is the purpose of Riklli and Jones fitness test? Explain the procedure of its any two test items in detail.

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 7 Physiology & Injuries in Sports Important Questions 2024

Q1. Nameirakpam Kunjarani Devi is related to which game?

Q2. What is Aerobic Exercise?

Q3. What is Anaerobic Exercise?

Q4. What is the full form of ATP?

Q5. What are the short term effect of Exercise on Cardiovascular system?

Q6. What are the Long term effect of Exercise on Cardiovascular system?

Q7. Elucidate any six effects of exercise on muscular system.

Q8. Define Stroke volume.

Q9. Define Bone Mass.

Q10. What are the classification of sports injuries. Explain them.

Q11. What is a strain? Write its cause, prevention and treatment. Most Important

Q12. What is a sprain? Write its cause, prevention and treatment. Most Important

Q13. What is Fracture? Name the more common types of fractures and describe them. Most Important
Define Fracture and explain any four types of fracture.
Elucidate any four types of fractures.

Q14. Define First Aid.

Q15. Write down the aims and objectives of first aid.
Describe any 2 objectives of first aid.

Q16. Explain P.R.I.C.E in Detail. Most Important

Q17. Name any two most common injuries in sports.

Q18. Point out physiological factor for strength.
Explain any three physiological factors determining strength.

Q19. Explain any 2 physiological factors, help in determining endurance.
Briefly explain any two factors determining endurance.

Q20. Write a key point on cardio respiratory factors determining fitness.

Q21. Explain any 2 types of bone injury with their management.

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 8 Biomechanics & Sports Important Questions 2024

Q1. Define biomechanics.

Q2. What do you understand by the concept of sports biomechanics? Write in your own words.

Q3. Differentiate between biomechanics and sports biomechanics.

Q4. List Newton’s Laws of Motion.

Q5. Elucidate Newton’s Law of Inertia.

Q6. What is linear motion?

Q7. Define Friction.

Q8. Discuss various types of friction.

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 9 Psychology & Sports Important Questions 2024

Q1. Define Personality?

Q2. Personality is an ‘individual’s unique pattern of traits’. whose statement is this?

Q3. Comment upon Allport’s Theory of Personality.

Q4. Define Sheldon Personality type.

Q5. Differentiate between Introvert and Extrovert personality?

Q6. Differentiate between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.

Q7. Write a short note on any two techniques of motivation.

Q8. Briefly list the benefits of exercise.

Q9. Define aggression. Discuss any 2 types of aggression.

Q10. What is the full form of SMART?

Q11. Write short note on Goal setting.
What do you understand by “Goal Setting”?

Q12. What are the personality traits according to the Big Five theory?

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Chapter 10 Training in Sports Important Questions 2024

Q1. Define Strength and explain any two methods to develop it.

Q2. Write a short note on the different types of Strength.

Q3. What are the factors that determine Strength?

Q4. Differentiate between Isometric and Isotonic exercise with suitable example.

Q5. Explain Isokinetic exercise with suitable examples.

Q6. Write about the different types of Endurance based on duration of activity.

Q7. What do you mean by endurance? Explain methods to develop endurance in detail. Most Important
Define Endurance and discuss the methods of endurance development.

Q8. List down some advantages of fartlek training method.

Q9. Write various methods to develop speed. Most Important

Q10. Define flexibility. What is active and passive flexibility? Explain any two methods used to develop flexibility.
Define Flexibility and list down its types.

Q11. What is Coupling Ability?

Q12. Write characteristic of circuit training.

Q13. What is coordinative abilities and explain different types of coordinative ability?
Elucidate any 2 types of coordinative ability with suitable example.


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