Class 10 English Chapter 8 Bholi Important Questions – Footprints Without Feet NCERT Solution

Class  10th
Subject English 
Book Footprints Without Feet
Category Important Questions

Class 10 English Chapter 8 – Bholi Important Question Answer

Long Questions

Q1. What changes do we find in the behaviour of Bholi in the end of the story ? Explain. (Bholi)

Ans – Bholi was Ramlal’s daughter. When she was ten months old she fell down from the cot and a part of her brain was damaged. So she remained a backward child. She began to speak at the age of five years but she stammered. Her school teacher was kind and sympathetic. She encouraged and inspired Bholi to rise higher in life. In the end of the story, at time of marriage she showed rare courage and refused to marry the bridegroom who wanted dowry. Bholi said that she would not marry such a mean, greedy and coward person. Ramlal was full of shame. Bholi consoled her father that she would serve them in their old age and teach in the same school.

Q2. What do you know about Bholi and describe the role of the teacher in her life ? Most Important

Ans – Bholi’s teacher showed great love and affection to Bholi. She told her not to be afraid. She said that if she came to school daily, no one would laugh at her. She should study hard. Then other students would listen to her with respect. This created a confidence in her. Thus the loving care and encourage given to her by her teacher changed the course of her life. It made her a complete woman. She stood on her own legs. At the time of her marriage she showed rare courage and refused to marry the bridegroom who wanted dowry.

Q3. Why did Bholi at first agree to marry Bishamber ? Why did she later reject the marriage ? What light it throws on her character ?

Ans – Bholi knew that she was a burden on her parents. They were worried about her as no one was ready to marry an ugly-looking girl. Moreover, the match was fixed without her consent. But when the bridegroom came to her home with the marriage procession, she refused to marry him. It was because she found him greedy. He demanded a dowry of five thousand rupees. Although her father was prepared to give the money, yet she refused to marry him. She said that she would not marry a greedy man. 

Q4. Describe Bholi’s experiences on her first day at school and the role of the teacher. Most Important

Ans – One day Ramlal held Bholi’s hand and asked her to go to school. Bholi did not know what a school was like. She thought was ke. She thought that her father was turning her out of his house like their old cow Lakshmi. She shouted in terror and pulled her hand away from her father’s grip. On the first day of school, she was frightened. But after some time she seemed to be enjoying the pictures on the wall. She was happy to see so many girls of her age in the class. The real thing that made her happy on this very day was the loving and soothing treatment of the teacher. The teacher spoke to her in a soft and soothing voice. No one had ever spoken to her gently. This touched her heart. The teacher told Bholi that if she came to school regularly she would be more learned than else in the village. She would speak without a stammer and everyone would listen to her with respect. This was a new hope and new life for Bholi.

Short Questions

Q1. Why is Bholi’s father worried about her ? Most Important

Ans – Bholi’s father was a prosperous farmer. He had three sons and four daughters. All of them were healthy and strong, except Bholi. She was a backward child. She badly stammered when she spoke. She had an attack of chicken pox when she was two years old. It left her face disfigured. So, Bholi’s father was worried about her, because she had neither good looks nor intelligence.

Q2. For what unusual reason is Bholi sent to school ?

Ans – Bholi is not sent to school because her father wants to get her father wants to get her educated. She is sent to school because her father can’t say ‘No’ to the Tehsildar. So, to get rid of her, the parents decide to send her to school.

Q3. Why was Sulekha nicknamed Bholi ? Most Important

Ans – When Ramlal’s daughter Sulekha was ten months old, she fell down from the cot and a part of her brain was damaged. That was why she remained a backward child and came to called Bholi.

Q4. Why did Bholi’s marriage with Bishamber not take place ?
What reason Bholi gives to deny to marry Bishamber ?

Ans – Bishamber was a greedy man. He demanded five thousands rupees as dowry. Bholi’s father agreed to it. But, Bholi, who was now educated and full of confidence, refused to marry such a mean, greedy and contemptible man as Bishamber. So, the marriage did not took place.

Q5. Why do Bholi’s parents accept Bishamber’s marriage proposal ? (Bholi) Most Important

Ans – Bholi’s parents thought that no one would ever marry Bholi because she was a backward and ugly girl. Bishamber was a middle aged rich grocer. He was rich. He had a big shop, a house of his own and thousands of rupees in the bank. So when he proposed to marry Bholi, her parents at once accepted his proposal.

Q6. Why did the Tehsildar come to Ramlal’s Village? What did he ask Ramlal to do? (Bholi)

Ans – A primary school for girls was opened in the village. The Tehsildar sahib cam to perform it opening ceremony. He ask Ramlal to set an example before the village by sending his daughter to school.

Q7. What did Bishamber demand as dowry ? Most Important

Ans – Bishamber demands five thousand rupees as dowery.

Q8. Who was Lakshmi ? Most Important

Ans – Lakshmi was the cow in the Bholi’s family who was sold by Bholi father.

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