HBSE Class 10 Economics MCQ Important Question Answer 2025 PDF

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HBSE Class 10 Economics Important MCQ Question with Answer for Haryana Board Solution.

HBSE Class 10 Economics Important MCQ Question Answer 2025

HBSE Class 10 Economics Chapter 1 Development MCQ Question Answer 2025

1. Development of a country can generally be determined by : Most Important
(a) its per capita income
(b) its average literacy level
(c) health status of its people
(d) all of the above

Ans – (d) all of the above

2. Development of any country can generally be determined by:
(A) Per capita income
(B) Literacy rate
(C) Annual income
(D) None of these

Ans – (A) Per capita income

3. Which of the following neighbouring countries has better performance in terms of human development than India? Most Important
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Pakistan
(c) Nepal
(d) Sri Lanka

Ans – (d) Sri Lanka

4. In the following states, which has the lowest literacy rate?
(A) Haryana
(B) Kerala
(C) Punjab
(D) Bihar

Ans – (D) Bihar

5. Assume there are four families in a country. The average per capita income of these families are Rs. 5,000. If the income of three families are Rs. 4,000, Rs. 7,000 and Rs. 3,000 respectively. What is the income of the fourth family?
(A) Rs. 7,500
(B) Rs. 3,000
(C) Rs. 2,000
(D) Rs. 6,000

Ans – (D) Rs. 6,000

HBSE Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 Sectors of the Indian Economy MCQ Question Answer 2025

1. Production of a goods by exploiting the natural resources, is an activity of the ________ sector. Most Important
(a) Primary
(b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary
(d) Information Technology

Ans – (a) Primary

2. The sectors are classified into public and private sector on the basis of: Most Important
(a) employment conditions.
(b) the nature of economic activity
(c) ownership of enterprises
(d) number of workers employed in the enterprise

Ans – (c) ownership of enterprises

3. In which sector of India is Disguised Unemployment found?
(a) Industrial Sector
(b) Service sector
(c) Agriculture
(d) none of these

Ans – (c) Agriculture

4. In which sector of India is Disguised Unemployment found?
(a) Private Sector
(b) Public sector
(c) Organised Sector
(d) Tertiary Sector

Ans – (a) Private Sector

5. Which is the largest employment provider sector of India ?
(A) Primary
(B) Secondary
(C) Tertiary
(D) None of these

Ans – (A) Primary

HBSE Class 10 Economics Chapter 3 Money and Credit MCQ Question Answer 2025

1. The informal source of credit does not include which one of the following? Most Important
(a) Traders
(b) Cooperative societies
(c) Friends
(d) Money-lenders

Ans – (b) Cooperative societies

2. The central bank of India is?
(a) RBI
(b) PNB
(c) SBI
(d) HDFC

Ans – (a) RBI

3. In India, ________ issues one rupee note.
(A) Govt. of India
(B) Govt. of Haryana

Ans – (D) RBI

4. Currency Notes are issued by whom in India ?
(A) Parliament
(B) President
(C) Bank
(D) Reserve Bank of India

Ans – (D) Reserve Bank of India

5. How many members are in an ideal self help group?
(A) 50-100
(B) 30-50
(C) 02-05
(D) 15-20

Ans – (D) 15-20

6. In an SHG, most of the decisions regarding saving and loan activities are taken by :
(A) Bank
(B) Members
(C) Non-Government Organisation
(D) None of the above

Ans – (B) Members

HBSE Class 10 Economics Chapter 4 Globalisation and the Indian Economy MCQ Question Answer 2025

1. Which one of the following is an example of trade barrier ?
(a) Tax on exports
(b) Tax on imports
(c) Free trade
(d) Restriction on exports

Ans – (b) Tax on imports

2. Which one of the following logo is used for standardization of agriculture products?
(a) ISI
(b) ISO
(c) Hallmark
(d) Agmark

Ans – (d) Agmark

3. The most common route for investments by MNCs in countries around the world is to: Most Important
(a) Set up new factories
(b) Form partnership with local companies
(c) Buy existing local companies
(d) Imposing tax on local companies

Ans – (b) Form partnership with local companies

4. When was WTO established?
(a) 1990
(b) 1995
(c) 1998
(d) 2000

Ans – (b) 1995

5. How many countries are currently members of WTO?
(a) 119
(b) 120
(c) 139
(d) 149

Ans – 164

6. According to 2006, how many countries were the member of World Trade Organization ?
(A) 100
(B) 120
(C) 149
(D) 200

Ans – (C) 149

7. _________ has been one of the major factor that has stimulated the globalization process.
(A) Democracy
(B) Monarchy
(C) Socialism
(D) Technology

Ans – (D) Technology

8. Removing barriers or restrictions set up by the government is known as:
(A) Privatisation
(B) Globalisation
(C) Liberalisation
(D) Industrialisation

Ans – (C) Liberalisation

9. Globalization has led to improvement in living conditions :
(A) of all the people
(B) of people in developed countries
(C) of workers in developing countries
(D) none of the above

Ans – (D) None of the above

10. The past two decades of globalization is seen rapid movements in:
(A) Goods, services and people between countries
(B) Goods, services and investment between countries
(C) Goods, investment and people between countries
(D) None of the above

Ans – (B) Goods, services and investment between countries

11. The most common route for investment by MNCs in countries around the world is to:
(A) Set up new factories
(B) Buy existing local companies
(C) From partnership with local companies
(D) All of the above

Ans – (D) All of the above

HBSE Class 10 Economics Chapter 5 Consumer Rights MCQ Question Answer 2025

1. In which year year United nation adopted the UN guidelines for consumer protection?
(A) 1972
(B) 1985
(C) 1987
(D) 2002

Ans. (B) 1985

2. Full form of COPRA is
(A) Consumer Protection Action
(B) Consumer Protect Act
(C) Consumer Protection Act
(D) Consumer Performance Act

Ans. (C) Consumer Protection Act

3. In which year COPRA enacted in India?
(A) 1986
(B) 1987
(C) 2002
(D) 2015

Ans. (A) 1986

4. Full form of MRP is
(A) Minimum Retail Price
(B) Minimum Support Price
(C) maximum Support Price
(D) Maximum Retail Price

Ans. (D) Maximum Retail Price

5. In which year RTI was enacted in India?
(A) Oct 2004
(B) Oct 2005
(C) Oct 2006
(D) Oct 2007

Ans. (B) Oct 2005

6. In which day National consumer day celebrated in India?
(A) 15 March
(B) 21 June
(C) 23 December
(D) 24 December

Ans. (D) 24 December

7. Which one of the following logo is used for standardisation of agricultural products?
(C) Hallmark
(D) Agmark

Ans. (D) Agmark

8. Which one of the following logo is used for the standardization of consumer good?
(C) Hallmark
(D) Agmark

Ans. (A) ISI

9. In which year Consumer Protection Act was enacted?
(a) 1985
(b) 1986
(c) 2002
(d) 2005

Ans – (b) 1986


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