HBSE Class 10 IT Important Questions 2024

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HBSE Class 10 IT Important Questions for Haryana Board Solution.

HBSE Class 10 IT Important Questions 2024 

HBSE Class 10 IT 6 Marks Questions 2024

Q1. What is the purpose of views? Explain the five types of views available in spreadsheet.

Q2. What is conditional formatting ? By taking an example write the steps to apply conditional formatting for data.

Q3. Explain any four options available to make changes to a character or word. Most Important

Q4. Explain with syntax and example SQL statements: INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE.

Q5. Explain any four accessibility.

Q6. Write steps to create a blog account.

Q7. Explain various views present in Spread-sheet. Most Important

Q8. How internet security can be enhanced? Explain.

Q9. Write steps to insert shapes and symbols to a document. Most Important

Q10. Explain various types of Charts in Spreadsheet.

Q11. Write guidelines for managing strong password.

Q12. Write steps to hide a row and freeze a column.

Q13. Write steps to consolidate data in calc.

Q14. Write steps to extract a table from Web page in spreadsheet.

Q15. Write note on data types in Libre office Base.

Q16. What is subtotal tool? Write steps to apply it in Calc. Most Important

Q17. Explain various data models in database. Most Important

Q18. Write steps to create a hyperlink for a spreadsheet in another spreadsheet. Most Important

Q19. Explain any five categories of style in Libre office writer document.

Q20. Explain any five buttons present on the track changes toolbar.

Q21. Write any five advantages of DBMS.

HBSE Class 10 IT 3 Marks Questions 2024

Q1. What is text wrapping? What is the need of text wrapping? List any two word wrapping options available in word. Most Important

Q2. What is page layout? List any four options that can be set using page layout.

Q3. What is slide transition? Explain any two transition effects that can be applied to the slides. Most Important

Q4. Explain the following features: (i) Linking cells (ii) Filter data

Q5. What are the advantages of networking? Most Important

Q6. What is a meeting in calendar software? How is it created ?

Q7. What is the need of sharing a calendar? Most Important

Q8. Write steps to start a calendar application.

Q9. Explain any six numeric types in DBMS.

Q10. Explain Bar-chart and Pie-chart. Most Important

Q11. What are speaker notes? Why they are added to a presentation ?

Q12. What is Journal Entry? What activities can be recorded in it?

Q13. Write steps to link cells from different worksheet. Most Important

Q14. What is DML? Explain SELECT SQL statement. Most Important

Q15. What is section break? What is its need?

Q16. Write guidelines while using chart in a presentation.

Q17. What is autosum function? What is its importance?

Q18. Write steps to set page break in spreadsheet.

Q19. Write steps to insert object to a document.

Q20. Write steps to insert an image to a document and rotate it. Most Important

Q21. Write steps to filter data in spreadsheet based on some condition.

Q22. What are Animations ? Write steps to add animation to a presentation.

Q23. Give syntax and example of CREATE TABLE SQL statement.

Q24. Explain data consistency with example.

Q25. Write steps to modify an existing style.

Q26. Write steps to create a macro using BASIC programming language.

Q27. Explain any two barriers to effective communication.

Q28. Explain various text wrapping tools. Most Important

Q29. What are the features of Calc ? Most Important

Q30. Write steps to create and save a file in Ubuntu.

Q31. Write steps to create and save a file in Ubuntu.

Q32. Write note on text data types in Libre Office Base. Most Important

Q33. Write steps to create and save a file in Ubuntu.

Q34. Write steps to create and save a file in Ubuntu.

Q35. Differentiate between Relative and Absolute Hyperlinks.

Q36. By taking example, explain primary key.

Q37. Explain the procedure to prepare a document for review.

Q38. Define Macro. List any two actions which are not recorded by a Macro.

Q39. Explain any three tools used for modifying an image.

HBSE Class 10 IT 2 Marks Questions 2024

Q1. What is the difference between Header and Footer?

Q2. What are templates ?

Q3. Write steps for inserting breaks in a document.

Q4. How can we hide a column in a spreadsheet ?

Q5. What is the use of page breaks in a spreadsheet ?

Q6. Name the two ways for inserting a table in a presentation.

Q7. What is a form in DBMS ? What is its use ?

Q8. In what ways data can be organized ?

Q9. Name any four DBMS software.

Q10. What tasks can be performed in calendar software ?

Q11. Name any four web based instant messaging software.

Q12. Give any two features of instant messaging.

Q13. How online shopping is useful?

Q14. Name some online threats on internet.

Q15. How macro can be used as a function ?

Q16. What is candidate key?

Q17. What resources are required in IT work environment?

Q18. How you can keep your back free of strain?

Q19. Write steps to apply styles to a document.

Q20. What is primary key?  Most Important

Q21. What action are not recorded by macros ? Most Important

Q22. What is repetitive strain injury? Most Important

Q23. What are stress disorders while working on computer? Most Important

Q24. Write steps to apply styles to a document. Most Important

Q25. List any two tools for data analysis.

Q26. Define Database.

Q27. Define Alternate key.

Q28. What do you understand by what-if scenario?

HBSE Class 10 IT 1 Marks Questions 2024

Q1. __________ can be used to separate a document.

Q2. __________ enables to put slide elements, such as text and graphics, in motion within a slide.

Q3. __________ are text or images included at the top of page.

Q4. Full form of WWW is __________ Most Important

Q5. Full form of PSTN is __________

Q6. Full form of WAP is __________

Q7. Full form of DML is __________ Most Important

Q8. Full form of DSL is __________

Q9. Full form of WAN is __________

Q10. Full form of DBMS is __________

Q11. Full form of ICT is __________ Most Important

Q12. Full form of IDE is __________ Most Important

Q13. Full form of JPEG is __________ Most Important

Q14. A record is also called __________

Q15. The concept of DBMS was introduced by __________

Q16. Database servers are referred as __________

Q17. A __________ is a unique value that identifies a ‘row’ in a table.

Q18. In calendar software, print option is available in __________ menu.

Q19. A __________ provides the user an electronic version of calendar.

Q20. In word processor, styles can be changed using __________ tab.

Q21. In spread-sheet, when freeze row option is used, __________ remain constant.

Q22. A reclined angle reduces __________ pressure. Most Important

Q23. In database, raw facts constitutes __________

Q24. A collection of fields make a __________.

Q25. In writer, alignment comes under __________ style.

Q26. In writer, __________ option places image on top of all objects. Most Important

Q27. In writer, __________ acts as a reference point for image or drawing. Most Important

Q28. In writer anchor acts as a __________ point for drawing.

Q29. In writer, __________ image filter tool is used to reverse the tone in photograph.

Q30. __________ is a form of asking questions from database.

Q31. Page up key on keyboard is a __________ key.

Q32. Pressing __________ key opens the start menu. Most Important

Q33. Shortcut key to paste image in a document is __________. Most Important

Q34. All the field values that are eligible to be the primary key are called the __________ keys.

Q35. __________ is the shortcut key to cut a file.

Q36. Communication between two individuals is known as __________ communication.

Q37. Facial expression is an example of __________ communication. Most Important

Q38. The physical parts of computer that we can touch are called __________ .

Q39. The text or image which appears faintly in the background of page is called __________

Q40. In calc, macro reading can be enabled using __________ options.

Q41. __________ tool in calc creates the group automatically and applies function on grouped data.

Q42. A __________ is a collection of logically related data items stored in organized manner. Most Important

Q43. A __________ is a single instruction that executes a set of instructions. Most Important

Q44. Using predefined __________ creates bookmark in the document. Most Important

Q45. Windows is an __________ system. Most Important

Q46. __________ is used to prevent data from getting corrupt. Most Important

Q47. A __________ is the smallest entity in database. Most Important

Q48. __________ tool cuts off non desirable part of the image.

Q49. The code of macro begins with ‘sub’ and ends with __________

Q50. __________ data type can be used to store Aadhaar numbers.

Q51. Keep your monitor at least __________ length distance.

Q52. Consolidate function cannot be used to view and compare data. (True/False)

Q53. Spreadsheet cannot be shared to work with more than one user.

Q54. The employer and employees are responsible for workplace safety. (True/False)

Q55. Entrepreneurs can create jobs in the market.  (True/False)

Q56. Character formatting can be applied to a single character or word. (True/False)

Q57. What is a column in a table ?

Q58. What are two optional clauses of SELECT statement ?

Q59. Define Computer Network.

Q60. What is dial-up connection?

Q61. What is instant messaging?

Q62. What are features of instant messaging?

Q63. Name two free offline blog editor.

Q64. What are headers in word processor?

Q65. What are the two ways of inserting a movie in a presentation?

Q66. What is the use of conditional formatting in spread-sheet ?

Q67. What factors can be controlled using conditional formatting?

Q68. What is the need of setting page layout in spread-sheet?

Q69. What views are provided by calendar software ?

Q70. Define outing.

Q71. What is a landmark ?

Q72. What attributes should be told to describe a lost item ? Objective Type Questions

Q73. What is normal view in spreadsheet ?

Q74. Write steps to freeze column in spreadsheet.

Q75. Name any two database programs.

Q76. What are database servers ?

Q77. What is the purpose of relational database?

Q78. Name any two binary types in DBMS.

Q79. What is foreign ‘key’ ?

Q80. What are two types of DML?

Q81. Define computer accessibility.

Q82. What is header ?

Q83. What effects can be added using slide transition?

Q84. What is the need of grouping in a presentation?

Q85. What is a task ?

Q86. Write some adjectives to describe a building.

Q87. What is a preposition ?

Q88. What is Tuple ?

Q89. Give SQL syntax of insert statement.

Q90. What is DDL ?

Q91. What is the use of calendar software ?

Q92. How an appointment is categorized by calendar software?

Q93. What should be the characteristics of speaker notes ?

Q94. What is XY Chart ?

Q95. What options can be set using page layout option in Spreadsheet ?

Q96. What is a document template ?

Q97. What is the use of filter keys?

Q98. What is descriptive writing?

Q99. What are various types of recount?


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