How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Class 6 English Chapter 2 Question Answer with Hindi – Honeysuckle NCERT Solution

Class 6 English NCERT Solution for chapter 2 How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Question answer with hindi. CCL Chapter Provide Class 1th to 12th all Subjects Solution With Notes, Question Answer, Summary and Important Questions. Class 6 English mcq, summary, Important Question Answer, Textual Question Answer in hindi are available of  Honeysuckle Book of NCERT.

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NCERT Class 6 English Chapter 2 How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Question Answer with Hindi from Honeysuckle book Solution.

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master Class 6 English Chapter 2 Question Answer

A. Discuss these questions in pairs before you write the answers.

Q1. Why did the dog feel the need for a master? (1, 2)
कुत्ते को मालिक की आवश्यकता क्यों महसूस हुई?

Ans. because the dog was sick and tired in wandering for food and being frightened of those who were stronger than he.
क्योंकि कुत्ता बीमार था और भोजन की तलाश में भटकते-भटकते थक गया था और उन लोगों से डर रहा था जो उससे अधिक ताकतवर थे।

Q2. Who did he first choose as his master? Why did he leave that master? (3)
उसने सबसे पहले किसे अपना स्वामी चुना? उसने उस मालिक को क्यों छोड़ दिया?

Ans. He first chose a big wolf as his master. But the wolf was afraid of the bear. So he left that master.
उसने सबसे पहले एक बड़े भेड़िये को अपना स्वामी चुना। लेकिन भेड़िया भालू से डरता था। इसलिए उसने उस गुरु को छोड़ दिया।

Q3. Who did he choose next? (5)
उन्होंने आगे किसे चुना?

Ans. He next chose a bear as his master because he was stronger than wolf.
इसके बाद उसने एक भालू को अपना स्वामी चुना क्योंकि वह भेड़िये से अधिक शक्तिशाली था।

Q4. Why did he serve the Lion for a long time? (8)
उसने लम्बे समय तक शेर की सेवा क्यों की?

Ans. Because he didn’t found anyone stronger than lion.
क्योंकि उसे शेर से ज्यादा ताकतवर कोई नहीं मिला

Q5. Who did he finally choose as his master and why? (9, 10)
अंततः उसने किसे अपना स्वामी चुना और क्यों?

Ans. He finally choose a man as his master because even lion afraid of man.
अंततः उसने एक मनुष्य को अपना स्वामी चुना क्योंकि शेर भी मनुष्य से डरता है।

B. A summary of the story is given below. Fill in the blanks to complete it taking appropriate phrases from the box.

a dog                  stronger than anyone else                         the strongest of all               a wolf             the bear              afraid of man            his own master            a lion

This is the story of —–––––—————————–, who used to be ——————————————. He decided to find a master —–––––––———————. First he found ————————————, but the wolf was afraid of –––————––——————— . The dog thought that the bear was ————————————— . After some time the dog met ————————————— , who seemed the strongest. He stayed with the lion for a long time. One day he realised that the lion was ——————––—————— . To this day, the dog remains man’s best friend.

Ans. This is the story of a dog, who used to be his own master. He decided to find a master stronger than anyone else. First he found a wolf, but the wolf was afraid of the bear. The dog though that the bear was the strongest of all. After some time the dog met a lion, who seemed the strongest. He stayed with the lion for a long time. One day he realised that the lion was afraid of man. To this day, the dog remains man’s best friend.
यह एक कुत्ते की कहानी है , जो अपना मालिक खुद हुआ करता था । उसने किसी अन्य से अधिक शक्तिशाली गुरु खोजने का निर्णय लिया । पहले उसे एक भेड़िया मिला , लेकिन भेड़िया भालू से डरता था । हालांकि कुत्ता भालू सभी में सबसे ताकतवर था । कुछ समय बाद कुत्ते की मुलाकात एक शेर से हुई , जो सबसे ताकतवर लग रहा था। वह काफी समय तक शेर के पास रहा। एक दिन उसे एहसास हुआ कि शेर आदमी से डरता है । आज तक कुत्ता इंसान का सबसे अच्छा दोस्त बना हुआ है।


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