Mughal Emperors and their Early Resistance Class 8 History Chapter 1 Question Answer – Our Bharat III HBSE Solution

Class 8 History BSEH Solution for chapter 1 Mughal Emperors and Their Early Resistance Question Answer for Haryana board. CCL Chapter Provide Class 1th to 12th all Subjects Solution With Notes, Question Answer, Summary and Important Questions. Class 8 History mcq, summary, Important Question Answer, Textual Question Answer are available of Our Bharat III Book for HBSE.

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HBSE Class 8 History Chapter 1 Mughal Emperors and Their Early Resistance Question Answer for Haryana Board of Our Bharat III Book Solution.

Mughal Emperors and Their Early Resistance Class 8 History Chapter 1 Question Answer

Let’s recapitulate:

  1. According to the famous Mughal historian Ahmed Yadgar, Mohan Singh Mandhar of the Kaithal district of Haryana strongly resisted the army of the Mughal ruler Babur.
  2. Hemchandra Vikramaditya’s father’s name was Sant Purandas.
  3. The coronation of Hemchandra Vikramaditya took place on October 7, 1556 AD.
  4. Maharana Pratap was born on May 9, 1540 AD, in Kumbhalgarh, Rajasthan. His father’s name was Maharana Udai Singh and his mother’s name was Jaivanta Bai Songara.
  5. Hakim Khan Sur was the head of the army of Maharana Pratap. He was martyred while fighting the Mughal army in the battle of Haldi Ghati.
  6. The famous wealthy merchant Bhamashah of Mewar had given all his wealth to Maharana Pratap. Pratap built a strong army from this wealth.
  7. Rani Durgavati’s husband Dalpat Singh was the king of Gondwana. His son’s name was Veer Narayan Singh.
  8. Rani Durgavati had twice defeated the ruler of Malwa, Baj Bahadur.

Fill in the Blanks:

  1. In the battle of Haldi Ghati, Maharana Pratap was assisted by the Bhil Sardar ________.

  2. Durgavati was the rules of _________.

  3. Maharan Pratap made ____ his capital.

  4. The Mughals cam to India from ______.

  5. The famous Sisodia dynasty of Rajasthan was founded by ________.

Ans 1. Rana Poonja, 2. Gondwana, 3. Chavand, 4. Central Asia, 5. Bappa Rawal

Match Correctly :

  1. The last Hindu emperor of Delhi
  2. Fort of Kalinjar
  3. Jaziya tax
  4. Battle of Khanwa
  • Rana Sanga
  • Aurangzeb
  • Rani Durgavati
  • Hemchandra Vikramaditya


  1. The Last Hindu Emperor of Delhi
  2. Fort of Kalinjar
  3. Jaziya tax
  4. Battle of Khanwa
  • Hemchandra Vikramaditya
  • Rani Durgavati
  • Aurangzeb
  • Rana Sanga

Let’s Think :

Q1. Write a note on Hemchandra Vikramaditya.

Ans Hemchandra Vikramaditya was the main hero of the second battle of Panipat. He was the last Hindu king to occupy the throne of Delhi after Muslim rule. He was born in an ordinary family. As he grew up, he was appointed to the post of Prime Minister and later Commander-in-Chief. He won 22 wars in his life. Hemchandra conquered Delhi by defeating Delhi’s governor Tardi Khan Beg. He was called ‘Vikramaditya’ because of his continuous victory in wars. Was also given the title of. After becoming the king of Delhi, while fighting with Akbar’s army, he got hit by an arrow in his left eye due to which Akbar brought him captive and beheaded him.

Q2. Give a detailed description of the battle of Haldi Ghati.

Ans – The battle of Haldighati is an immortal saga of Indian history. When Akbar sent Raja Man Singh and Rana’s rebellious brother Shakti Singh to attack Mewar. Here Maharana Pratap also reached Haldighati with his army. Maharana Pratap was accompanied by Rawat Kisandas, Bhim Singh Dodiya, Ramdas Medatiya, Bhamashah Jhala Mann and Bhil Sardar Rana Poonja. Bhidal people were present with bows and arrows at the mouth of the valley in Chandawal. His army also included Hakim Khan Sur, a descendant of Afghan emperor Shershah Suri, whom Pratap made the commander of Mewar. The speed of the attack by the Mewari army was so intense that the Mughal soldiers ran away to save their lives. Maharana Pratap was fighting bravely in the war when he attacked Mansingh riding on an elephant with his spear but luckily he was saved and his elephant ran away with him.

Even though the enemies surrounded him from all sides, he was not afraid. He tried to turn the direction of the war towards the mountains instead of the plains. Till then Jhala Maan kept the Mughal army at bay. In which he sacrificed his life. Two Mughal chieftains chased Maharana Pratap, who were killed by Shakti Singh. The morale of the Mughal soldiers was so broken due to this war that they did not have the courage to pursue Pratap’s army. In this war, Maharana Pratap’s horse Chetak also died.

Q3. Describe the resistance of Durgavati against the Mughals.

Ans The Mughal rulers were committing deceit, plunder, kidnapping and atrocities in North India and their eyes also fell on Gondwana. Asaf Khan instigated Akbar against Queen Durgavati of Gondwana. Akbar gave orders to attack Gondwana in 1564 AD. In which Queen Durgavati lost this war due to the presence of Mughal army. To protect his honour, he stabbed himself. Mughal soldiers looted a large quantity of gold, silver coins, gold utensils, rattan, pearls, statues and idols made of gold.

Q4. Write the essay on the life of Maharana Pratap.

Ans Maharana Pratap Sisodia was a famous king of Rajput dynasty. He was born on May 9, 1540 AD in Kumbhalgarh (Rajasthan) to Maharana Udai Singh. His mother’s name was Jaivantabai Songara. Since childhood he had special interest in weapons. He gave more importance to respect and freedom rather than wealth. After the death of his father, he became king at the age of 32. Most of the Rajputs were under the influence of the friendship of King Akbar. Maharana Pratap had understood the plan of the Mughals, that is why he did not befriend them. Akbar wanted to capture Mewar and gain control over its valuable minerals and trade routes. The biggest challenge for Akbar was to remove Maharana Pratap from the way, that is why he sent his army and attacked Maharana Pratap. After a fierce battle, Akbar’s army started running away to save their lives. We know this war as the Battle of Haldighati.

Q5. Write a note about the struggle of Mohan Singh Mandhar with the Mughals.

Ans Mohan Singh Mandar was from Kaithal district of Haryana. He caused heavy losses to the Mughals sent by Babar who were besieging his village. After that Babar sent his commanders Tarsam Bahadur and Naurangzeb. He divided the army into three parts. While the villagers were busy in the war, Babar’s soldiers burnt the entire village. When Mohan Singh returned towards the village after seeing the village burning, he was caught and the death sentence was announced.

Let’s Do :

Q1. if your were a soldier in the army of Rani Durgavati, what would you propose for victory? Descrive.

Ans If I had been a soldier in Queen Durgavati’s army, I would have proposed to the Queen to make a treaty with other kings and fight the war together to ensure victory. Do it. If other kings do not want to come along, then a good strategy should be made for the war.

Q2. List the reasons for the struggle of Hemchandra Vikramaditya and Maharana Pratap with the Mughals.

Ans – Hemchandra Vikramaditya and Maharana Pratap fought with the Mughals for the following reasons:

  • To protect their territory from outside rulers
  • To protect our property and people
  • To strengthen our governance system
  • To save his subjects from religious conversion.


Question 6. What was the role of Hakim Khan Sur and Hasan Khan Mewati in the resistance against the Mughals?

Ans – Hakim Khan Sur fought against the Mughals in the battle of Haldighati along with Maharana Pratap. He was the commander of Mewar. Hakim Khan Sur was leading the front line of the army and was the head of the armory of Mewar. He was martyred while fighting in the war.

Hasan Khan Mewati along with Rana Sanga fought against Babar. In which Babar won with the help of Jihad. Rana Sanga also included some other kings in his army to fight again. In this war, Hasan Khan Mewati and other kings together defeated the Mughals so badly that they could not muster the courage to attack again.




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