HBSE Class 10 Geography Important Question with Answer 2025 PDF

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HBSE Class 10 Geography Important Question Answer for Haryana Board Solution.

HBSE Class 10 Geography Important Question Answer 2025

Resources and Development Class 10 Geography Chapter 1 Important Question Answer 2024-25


Q1. Which type of natural resource is soil ? Most Important

Q2. Write any one cause for Land Degradation. Most Important

Q3. Which soil is well known for its capacity to hold moisture? Most Important

Q4. What do you mean by sustainable development?
What is meant by sustainable economic development?

Q5. What is Resource ? Describe soil resource.
What are Resources?

Q6. What are biotic and abiotic resources ? Give two examples. Most Important

Q7. What steps can be taken to control Soil Erosion in the hilly areas ? Most Important

Q8. Write the name of state which have Black soil. Most Important

Forest and Wildlife Resources Class 10 Geography Chapter 2 Important Question Answer 2024-25

Q1. Write down the four benefits of Forest.

Q2. What is called reserved forest? Define. Most Important

Water Resources Class 10 Geography Chapter 3 Important Question Answer 2024-25


Q1. What do you mean by Multi purpose project? Give its three benefits. Most Important
What is multi-purpose projects ? Most Important

Q2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of multi-purpose river projects.
What are the disadvantages of Multi-purpose River Projects?

Agriculture Class 10 Geography Chapter 4 Important Question Answer 2024-25


Q1. What do you mean by Globalization of Agriculture? Write down its four advantages.
Write a brief note on the impact of Globalization on Indian Agriculture.

Q2. Define Commercial farming.
What are the Commercial Agriculture ?

Q3. Distinguish between Rabi crops and Kharif Crops.
Write two crops of Rabi Season.
Write two crops of Kharif season.


Q4. Define Green Revolution?
What is the meaning of Green Revolution?

Q5. Describe any two geographical condition for the growth of rice. Most Important

Q6. Explain how Agriculture and Industries move hand in hand? Most Important

Q7. Explain the favourable geographical conditions for cultivation of wheat and also describe its production and distribution in India. Most Important

Q8. What are favourable geographical conditions for the cultivation of cotton and also explain its production and distribution in India. Most Important

Q9. What are favourable geographical conditions for cultivation of sugarcane and also explain its production and distribution in India ? Most Important

Q10. Explain the Geographical and climatic conditions required for the production of Rice in India. Describe its distribution also. Most Important

Minerals and Energy Resources Class 10 Geography Chapter 5 Important Question Answer 2024-25


Q1. Which type of resource is tidal energy? Most Important

Q2. Distinguish between metallic and non-metallic minerals. Most Important

Q3. Why conservation of minerals is necessary? Most Important
Why do we need to conserve mineral resources?


Q4. Why do you think that Solar energy has a bright future in India ? Most Important

Q5. What are minerals ? Tell types and give description of Iron Ore ?
What is Mineral ? Define. Most Important

Q6. Distinguish between Natural Gas and Biogas. Most Important
What is Bio-gas ?


Manufacturing Industries Class 10 Geography Chapter 6 Important Question Answer 2024-25


Q1. Define manufacturing Industry and describe about Cotton Industries in India.
What is manufacturing? Define. Most Important

Q2. What are basic Industries ? Give examples. Most Important

Lifelines of National Economy Class 10 Geography Chapter 7 Important Question Answer 2024-25


Q1. Write any one National Water-way of India.
Write any one inland Water-way of India.

Q2. What is meant by Trade ? What is difference between international and local trade?

Q3. Which are the main means of Communication ? Explain their positive role in the Indian Economy.

Q4. Why are the means of transportation and communication called the life-line of nation and its economy ?


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