HBSE Class 9 Political Science Important Question Answer 2025 PDF

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HBSE ( Haryana Board ) Solution of Class 9 Political Science important Question And Answer solution.

HBSE Class 9 Political Science Important Question Answer 2025 

HBSE Class 9 Political Science Chapter 1 What is Democracy ? Why Democracy ? Important Questions 2025

Q1. Why do we prefer democracy than any other form of the government?
How Democratic System is better than others?

Q2. Describe salient features of Democracy.
Write the main characteristics of Democracy.
Mention any two features of a democratic country. (mention any two)

Q3. Give some arguments in favour of Democracy.  Most Important

Ans. Some arguments in favour of Democracy are as :

(i) A democratic government is a more accountable form of governments.

(ii) As democracy is based on consultation and discussion. Therefore,  Democracy led to improvement in quality of decision making.

(iii) Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens.

(iv) Democracy is better than other forms of government because it permits us to correct its own mistakes.

Q4. Write any two merits of Democracy.

Ans. (i) A democratic government is a more accountable form of governments.

(ii) Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens.

Q5. Write any two demerits of Democracy.
Write two arguments against democracy.

Ans. (i) Leaders keep changing in a democracy. This leads to instability.

(ii)  Democracy is all about political competition and power play. There is no scope for morality.

Q6. What do you mean by ‘Referendum’ ?

Ans. A direct vote in which an entire electorate is asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal. This may be adoption of a new constitution, a law or a specific policy of government.

Q7. Pinochet was the President of which country?

Ans. Chile

HBSE Class 9 Political Science Chapter 2 Constitutional Design Important Questions 2025

Q1. What is Constituent Assembly? When did the Constituent Assembly of India complete its work?

Q2. What are the characteristics of the Indian Constitution ? Mention any three.

Q3. Why do we need a Constitution ? Most Important

Q4. “India is a secular state”. justify.

Q5. When was Indian Constitution introduced?

Q6. ____________ was the President of Constituent Assembly.

Q7. Who was Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar ?

Q8. How many total members in Constituent Assembly?

Q9. Who was the first President of South Africa ?

Ans. Nelson Mandela

10. When South Africa became a democratic country?

Ans. 1994

Q11. Where was the Session of Indian National Congress held in 1931?

Ans. Karachi session

Q12. Who was the Editor of ‘Young India’ magazine?

Ans. Mahatma Gandhi

Q13. Government of India Act was passed in __________ AD.

Ans. 1935

Q14. To which country ‘Legal Framework Order’ is related?

Ans. Pakistan

HBSE Class 9 Political Science Chapter 3 Electoral Politics Important Questions 2025

Q1. Write any three demerits of electoral competition.

Q2. Why do we need Election ?

Q3. Describe the main powers of Election Commission of India.

Q4. Describe any three functions of Election Commission. Most Important

Q5. Explain any three challenges before ‘fair and free election’.

Q6. Mention any two provisions which ensure the independency of the Election Commission.

Q7. In India all the Citizens aged ___________ years can vote in an election.

Q8. In 1971 Indira Gandhi gave a slogan _________.

Ans. Garibi Hatao (Remove Poverty)

Q9. ____________ led a movement in Haryana called ‘Nyaya Yudh’,

Ans. Chaudhary Devi Lal

Q10. There are total ___________ Constituency in Haryana Assembly.

Ans. 90

HBSE Class 9 Political Science Chapter 4 Working Institutions Important Questions 2025

Q1. Write the rights of President of India.

Q2. Explain the powers of the Parliament.
What is the Parliament? Describe its powers.

Q3. Explain the major powers and functions of the Prime Minister of India. Most Important

Q4. Lok Sabha is powerful than Rajya sabha. mention any three reasons.

Q5. Write main rights of Supreme Court of India.

Q6. What do you know about Mandal Commission?

Q7. Why do we need Parliament?

HBSE Class 9 Political Science Chapter 5 Democratic Rights Important Questions 2025

Q1. “The right to constitutional remedy is the heart and soul of the Indian constitution.” justify the statement.

Q2. Discuss the ‘Right to Equality’ as given in the Indian Constitution.
Explain the ‘Right to Equality mentioned in Indian Constitution.

Q3. Write any four features of the Right to Equality as a Fundamental Right.

Q4. Explain the ‘Right to Freedom’ in the Indian Constitution.


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